Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Town Council Meeting Nov. 4, 2014

Greentown Town Council Meeting

November 4, 2014 6:30 PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Dan Adams, Teresa Duke, Clerk

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mrs. Higginbottom. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: General Fund total expenses for October 22nd – November 4th were $15,559.04. Water Co. was $568.78. The Wastewater Utilities totaled $48,726.93. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Items from Attorney: None.

Items from Engineer: Mr. Deyoe reported for Mr. Brauen. Mr. Brauen has requested from IDEM that we be removed from the sewer ban and the agreed order. Mr. Klein has prepared data from the operating of the plant. Both Mr. Brauen and Mr. Klein wrote a compelling letter indicting that since construction began that the town has not had any issues. The town should receive good news at anytime on the sewer ban. Mr. Deyoe asked to table the Sewer Use Ordinance until next meeting (11-18-14) and Mr. Brauen will be in attendance to present this discussion.

Greentown Fire Department Report: Mr. Hendricks reported that in October they had 45 Runs: 8 Fire, 33 EMS, and 4 Rescue. Mr. Hendricks brought up the Fire Contract for 2015. It is the same as the year before except they add the normal 3% increase to it. Mr. Deyoe read the new Fire Contract Amount for 2015. The contract specifies $25,688.00 which is payable in two installments, first payment of $12,844.00 is due June 1, 2015 and the second payment for the same amount is due on December 1, 2015. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the Fire Contract for 2015. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Mrs. Higginbottom seconded. Motion carried.

Police Report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Mr. Deyoe asked Marshal Bennett on an update on candidates to add to the Greentown Police Department. Marshal Bennett responded that from the applications he has received, he has narrowed them down to two. The two candidates are James Skinner and current reserve officer Tony Bougher. The Police Board Committee members know both candidates and Mr. Everling made a motion to hire James Skinner as new Deputy Marshal. Motion was seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried with four ayes. Mr. Peelle will draw a contract stating that Mr. Skinner will go through the full police academy course, with expenses to be paid by the Greentown Police, and in return will commit to Greentown Police Department for four years. If Mr. Skinner leaves before the four years he will reimburse the cost of the academy based on a prorated scale.

Water Report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Street Report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried. The street sweeper will go back into Rowes to have the transmission looked over again at no charge.

Wastewater report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried. The open house for the wastewater plant has been pushed back to spring of 2015.

Park Advisory Board: No Report.

Old Business: Mr. Deyoe read the second reading for the ordinance on flood hazard areas for Greentown, Indiana. This document will be available in the Utilities Office for anyone to review.

Mr. Klein brought to the board that Mr. Adams talked with Brad Howell regarding two new trucks; one for the Wastewater and one for the Water Co.. .Brad Howell Ford is now within two hundred from the other bids given by McGonigal, Eriks Chevrolet, and Button Motors. Mr. Deyoe asked to table this until the next meeting (11-18-2014) so that Mr. Klein and Mrs. Duke can meet and discuss options for payment on the trucks.

New Business from Council Members: Mr. Everling talked with Captain Asher regarding the Interact for the police department. The Greentown Police Department will be able to use the Howard County Sheriff’s Department license for the Record Management System at no charge. A new quote will be coming on the mobile units.

Guests: Mr. Downs noted that the house on East Main Street with the roof falling in needs to be condemned. Marshal Bennett will start proceedings on this by issuing a nuisance ordinance on the property. Marshal Bennett mentioned that the house on 228 S. Hunt Street was given a grace period by the Town Board to demolish this property by spring as long as the property was secured. The owner has not complied by securing his property. Mr. Deyoe informed Marshal Bennett to move to the next step on this.

Adjourn: Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Higginbottom. Motion carried.

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