Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Town Council Meeting Minutes Dec 2, 2014

Greentown Town Council Meeting

December 2, 2014 6:30PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, Dan Adams, Teresa Duke, Clerk. Absent was Joyce Higginbottom.

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Adams. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: General Fund total expenses for November 19th – December 2nd were $26,940.71. Water Co. was $685.36. The Wastewater Utilities totaled $49,956.10. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Items from Attorney: Mr. Peelle brought his contract for 2015 to be reviewed and approved. Mr. Deyoe read the contract and asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion was seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Items from Engineer: Stormwater District Administrator Greg Lake and Howard County Surveyor Dave Duncan (Both are on The Howard County Drainage Board) were asked to come by Mr. Klein to give updates on Greentown’s Drains Project. The Greentown Drains Project started in 2004 and the last update was on July 1, 2009. The only thing new since then is the financing on the project. In 2009 the project would have been bonded. Currently there is a local bank with which the town could finance the project. It would be a 5 year loan at 5% interest. This project will involve several public hearings that will be on the proposed reconstruction and on property tax rates. Paying for this project is a concern to the Town Council. The Town Council will continue to address the stormwater issues of the Town of Greentown.

Mr. Deyoe read a letter from IDEM dated October 30, 2014 that released Greentown from the sewer connection ban. A letter also was read from IDEM dated November 13, 2014 stating The Town of Greentown was released from the Agreed Order. Mr. Deyoe thanked the residents of Greentown for absorbing a significant rate increase to make this happen. Mr. Deyoe also wanted to thank Wessler Engineering with all their help in this matter.

Mr. Brauen brought up the lift station in the Meadows. This station has been a source of problems for a long time. The lift station is on a single phase power and needs to be on a three phase power. This project will cost between $100,000 to $150,000. Mr. Brauen has put together a quote package which will be Task order 4 at the cost of $15,500. The quote package will be sent out to three contractors for bids and then the Town Council will select the contractor to work on the Meadows lift station. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept Meadows Lift Station Rehabilitation (132010.04.001) Task order 4. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried. This will be a Spring Construction.

Greentown Fire Department Report: Mr. Hendricks reported that in November they had 45 EMS Runs and 9 Fire runs. Mr. Hendricks reported that the fire department officers will stay the same for the 2015 year.

Police Report: None. Marshal Bennett received a call before the meeting and was unable to attend.

Water Report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Street Report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Wastewater Report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Park Advisory Board: Lisa Stout from the Greentown Main Street Association is working on the Community Garden. Ms. Stout would like to go in another direction with the garden. Ms. Stout would like to offer plots to interested individuals and groups so that they can work the soil and produce vegetables and flowers for themselves, their families and for the food pantries in the area. Town of Greentown is in the liability clause in both documents that Ms. Stout sent. Mr. Deyoe asked that all documents be sent to all Town Council Members and Mr. Peelle for review on this matter and to be discussed at a later time.

Old Business: None.

New Business from Council Members: None.

Clerk Treasurer and Council President: None.

Guests: No comments.

Adjourn: Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Next Greentown Town Council Meeting will be on January 6, 2015 at 6:30.

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