Thursday, November 14, 2013

October 1, 2013 Town Council Minutes


OCTOBER 1, 2013 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Council Members: Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, and Joyce Higginbottom; Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer; Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

ABSENT: J. Scott Flick

The meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe. Higginbottom made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Everling seconded. Motion passed.

JEREMY PEELE: (1) County is still reviewing the legal description of the areas involved in the Wellhead Protection Ordinance that they are passing for us for the areas outside the municipal limits. (2) Affordable Care Act takes effect today.

RYAN BRAUEN, WESSLER ENGINEERING: In Ryan’s absence, Scott Deyoe reported that Theineman Construction has made a lot of progress in the last month. They have poured the one foot added onto the influent structure.

WATER & STREET: Report was read by Deyoe. Jared Isaac started fulltime employment with the town on September 9. Kevin Moss addressed the fact that the wellhead protection plan that Mr. Peele is working on with the county needs to go before our Plan Commission also, so that it can be incorporated into our zoning ordinance because there are certain restrictions on what can be developed in a wellhead protection area. Everling made motion to accept report, Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed.

POLICE REPORT: Report read by Deyoe. No items to address. Higginbottom made motion to accept report, Everling seconded. Motion passed.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Tom Hendricks read report. Last month they signed to buy a new engine to replace their 1995 engine. It will look a lot like their rescue truck, and should be here next year by the first of March. They have enough money saved up to pay for it.

WASTEWATER: No written report. Bryan Klein gave verbal report. There has been significant progress in the last couple of weeks. We now dump into Brunk Ditch instead of Wildcat Creek. They have done a lot of housecleaning at WWTP site. They are condensing records, cleaning out the pole building making room for new equipment and parts that will be coming in. He is in the process of working on manuals for new equipment, putting together preventative and maintenance schedules.

PARK ADVISORY: Jolene Rule read report. Upcoming fall community service day will be Sat. Oct 5. They will meet at the fountain at 9am and will finish before noon. She named a couple of items for the council to think about. 1) The planters and flowerbeds have not been adequately watered by those who volunteered through the Adopt-A-Spot program, and they have lost many costly flowers and plants as a result. The Park Advisory Board recommends that town employees be responsible for watering these planters and flowerbeds as they are paid for by the town and are costly to replace. 2) The town sign at the west entrance of town has not had any landscaping updates since originally done many years ago. They recommend using a professional landscaping company to improve the appearance. She stated that the Park Advisory Board would gladly gather estimates for this project.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Scott Deyoe read Ordinance 2013-3 -- an ordinance amending ordinance 2010-5 -- entitled “An Ordinance to Create Staggered Terms for Town Council Positions”. This was the second reading. Mr. Adams made a motion to suspend the third reading of this ordinance, seconded by Everling. Motion passed. Individual votes were taken to pass this ordinance, with each council member voting Aye to pass the ordinance.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Mr. Everling told those present that we had been getting quotes on a laptop for use at the WWTP. Discussion about the need for and uses of the laptop ensued. (2) Mr. Deyoe read two letters acknowledging our donation of Greentown Historical Records: one letter from the Greentown Historical Society and one from the State of Indiana.

GUESTS: (1) Craig Trott referred to the request of the Park Advisory Board regarding the sign at the west end of town. He asked if the landfill would be available to him if he volunteered to work on the landscaping. He was assured it would be, and was thanked by the council for his offer. (2) Don Downs spoke about the Plan Commission meeting this month, referring specifically to the property at 404 W. Main Street. He urged that we come up with something universal that will regulate this zoning issue about “special use”. Lengthy discussion followed regarding zoning issues and the need to revamp our town’s Zoning Ordinance booklet. Attorney Jeremy Peele stated that no action needs to be taken by Council, that the Board of Zoning Appeals has the authority needed.

Motion was made by Mrs. Higginbottom to cancel the October 15 council meeting, seconded by Everling. Motion passed.

Motion to adjourn was made by Higginbottom, seconded by Everling. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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Clerk Attest

Monday, November 11, 2013

Town Council meeting September 17, 2013


SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Council Members: Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom; Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer.

The meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe. Adams made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Everling seconded. Motion passed.

SCOTT DEYOE (IN THE ABSENCE OF JEREMY PEELE): Mr. Deyoe read the first reading of Ordinance 2013-3, which was updated and completed by Mr. Peele. This is an ordinance amending Ordinance 2010-5, entitled “An Ordinance to Create Staggered Terms for the Town Council Positions.” The second reading of this ordinance will be at the October 1 meeting.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) This was the Adoption Meeting for the 2014 Budget, as published in the Notice to Taxpayers. Ordinance 2013-4, An Ordinance or Resolution for Appropriations and Tax Rate, was read by Mr. Deyoe. He noted a correction to the Rainy Day Fund, which was published in the Notice to Taxpayers – given by DLGF (Department of Local Government Finance) - as an estimated budget amount of $8884, (which was actually the cash balance in that fund). The true amount of estimated budget for the Rainy Day Fund is $0. An individual vote was taken, with each council member voting “Aye” to pass the budget ordinance as read. (2) Mr. Everling addressed the zoning ordinance that has been previously discussed and reviewed. Mr. Peele’s amendment needs some revision, but looks good. No action taken at this time.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Mr. Deyoe thanked the clerk and deputy clerk for their work on the budget. (2) Pay application #6 is in for the WWTP. $691,007.80 – which includes a lot of new equipment – is the amount requested to be paid to Thieneman (contractor), with a retainage of $33,179.89 to be deposited in the escrow account. (3) Change Order #2 also came in, with an increase of $33,944. This brings the new total for the sewage plant to $5,149,019.

Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Higginbottom. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Town Council Minutes September 2, 2013


SEPTEMBER 3, 2013 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Council Members: Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom; Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer; Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

The meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe. Flick made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Everling seconded. Motion passed.

JEREMY PEELE: (1) Talked to County Attorney Larry Murrell to follow up on the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) regarding the 2-mile buffer. Murrell is of the opinion that there is not an MOU in place, that there never was one, as no one can locate a hard copy or reference of one in minutes. Mr. Peele advised the council not to undertake the expense of trying to create a buffer ordinance. One reason is that there is no moratorium in place for any new wind farm developments. Another reason is that the county probably would not approve it anyway. He reasoned that it would most likely be a waste of time and money. After discussion it was decided that there would be no motion to attempt to create a buffer. (2) Still looking into the street issue. 60-70% of our roads are owned by the county. (3) Mr. Peele has drafted a wellhead protection ordinance for the county to pass for the areas that are outside the municipal limits but inside our wellhead protection plan zone. There are 4 or 5 parcels of ground that will be affected. County has approved the language, and they have to adopt it as an ordinance. Jeremy will send a draft ordinance for county approval, and will let us know when the meeting will be held. Council members are welcome to attend.

RYAN BRAUEN, WESSLER ENGINEERING: (1) Ryan came earlier today with a pole camera to try to get a glimpse of our storm sewer drains. He work with Kevin Moss, and they followed the storm sewer line from Brunk Ditch up Payton Street. The lines south of the RR tracks on Meridian St. were relatively clean, and got worse as they went farther north. They determined some of the areas can be televised without cleaning. Kevin will put together an updated request for quotes. (2) There was a progress meeting today. Ryan Met with SRF on their first of three walk-throughs at the WWTP. No issues came up. He’s working with SRF on raising the berm along Brunk Ditch (“flood control” is not approved language because it might give the false impression that they are funding something they are not allowed to.) He needs verification that it was discussed by the council and received approval. Brad Robinson is processing other change order items that have occurred since change order #1. Overall changes will increase approx $46,000, which is within the contingency that was established. (3) Ryan will not be at next month’s meeting.


POLICE: Deyoe read report. Officer Comfort is still out on medical disability. Everling made motion to accept; seconded by Higginbottom. Motion passed.

WATER & STREET: Report was read by Deyoe. Higginbottom made motion to accept report, Flick seconded. Motion passed.

WASTEWATER: Report read by Deyoe. Flick made motion to accept the report, seconded by Everling. Motion passed.

PARK ADVISORY: Parks and Trails Committee has dissolved. Coordinators of certain projects in the program – Farmers Marker, Community Garden, and Adopt-A-Spot – will work directly with Greentown Main Street Association. They will continue to do Community Service Days twice a year. They are discouraged that many people who have adopted planters in the area have not been keeping them watered. Park Advisory Board will continue with three members.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Mr. Flick announced that Jared Isaac will start full-time employment with the town on Monday, September 9. He has agreed to get his Water Operator Permit so he will be a backup to Kevin Moss.

(2) Mrs. Higginbottom spoke about her position on the Board of Directors of the Howard County Recycling District. She shared her disagreement with the Board’s decision to subsidize Kokomo’s curbside recycling with money from throughout the county. She also informed those present that the yard waste facility on Dixon Road is for everyone in the county, not just Kokomo residents.

(3) Mr. Everling announced that Bryan Klein is willing to work for the town of Greentown as the Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent. He currently works for Kokomo, has worked with Steve Rule at our plant, and signs our reports. He was interviewed last week. Mr. Everling made a motion to hire Mr. Klein for this position. Mr. Flick seconded; motion passed. A start date is yet to be determined.

(4) Mr. Adams told us that Rachel Jenkins is officially retiring after 20 years, and commended her for her many hours of service in providing the Greentown Grapevine to our community. He felt our appreciation should go on record, on behalf of our community and our council. Even though she was not at the meeting, she received a hearty applause. He also wished the best to Mr. John Bahler as he will be taking over for Rachel.

(5) Clerk Terri Sommers announced that Greentown received approval from DLGF (Department of Local Government Finance) on the new proposed Cumulative Capital Development Fund, to go into effect in 2014.

(6) Scott Deyoe made several announcements: Congresswoman Susan Brooks would be at the Greentown Historical Society on Wednesday, Sep. 4, from 12:00 – 1:30 pm for an open community forum; He also announced that the Adoption Meeting for the 2014 Budget would be on Tuesday, September 17 at 7:30 at Greentown City Hall, 112 N. Meridian Street; Quarterly meeting of the Plan Commission will be Tuesday, September 10 at 7:00 pm; He read a thank you card from Mr. and Mrs. Garry Hill for the flowers sent for Mike Andry; Mr. Deyoe addressed an update to our staggered term ordinance which was passed in 2010, which has been reviewed by the Indiana Election Commission. Moving our election to coincide with the general election means that the election will be done at no cost to the town.

GUESTS: Earl Petty spoke about his concern about the lack of adequate police protection. He also spoke a concern about people who walk their dogs and fail to clean up after them. Discussion about these issues followed, which also lead to more general discussion, including burn laws and wind farms.

Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Higginbottom. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Town Council Meeting Aug 20, 2013


AUGUST 20, 2013 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Council Members: Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom; Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer; Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

ABSENT: Scott Deyoe

The meeting was brought to order by Vice President Dan Adams. Flick made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed.

JEREMY PEELE: (1) Working with County Attorney Larry Murrell on memorandum of understanding. The county has tentatively approved the wellhead protection language we need to put in place for those areas outside the municipal limits of Greentown. He is in the process of drafting that ordinance so it can be passed by the county. (2) No answer yet on the road situation discussed at the last meeting. (3) Email exchange this morning with Garry Hill, Plan Commission Administrator, about proposed amendment (2013-2) to zoning ordinance. He wants to talk with Mr. Hill further about his concerns regarding the wording, and recommended that the second reading on that ordinance be tabled for now. He believes we can use the “special use” exception that currently exists to achieve the desired goal on this matter. Everling made the motion to table, Flick seconded. Motion passed. (4) Staggered term ordinance regarding election of council members, as discussed at previous meeting, was revised and was reviewed by people at the election commission. We are in compliance now so we will need to pass an amendment at a future meeting. This must be done by the end of the year.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Mr. Flick informed us that Jared Isaac is willing to come back to work for the town as full time laborer for the Water & Street Dept. under Kevin Moss’s direction. He recommended we hire Jared starting at entry level wage. He also recommended that Jared get “water certified” to be Kevin’s backup in that position. He asked Mr. Peele to write up paragraph, or Memorandum of Understanding, that Jared can sign stating this agreement. Flick made motion to hire Mr. Isaac for this position, Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed. Kevin is to email Jeremy with requirements for certification, looking at an eighteen (18) month time limit to meet this requirement. (2) Public Hearing for 2014 Budget was conducted next. Jeremy Peele read the budget advertisement and proposed amounts. He informed those present that objections must be filed within seven days. A question from one guest, Ray Mumaw: “Is there money in the budget to hire another police officer?” The answer to that question was “Yes.” Joyce Higginbottom requested that guests who were present sign the sign-in sheet for the budget hearing. Clerk Terri Sommers stated that the adoption meeting for the budget will be held on Sep. 17 at 7:30 to coincide with the next stated council meeting. (3) Kevin Moss explained that the handheld device that is used to read water meters needs to be replaced. It is ten years old and cannot be repaired. He presented a quote from Utility Supply Company for a new device, cost of $6232 with one year warranty at no charge, and we can purchase extended warranties. We have a loaner right now. It will take 4-6 weeks to get the new one in. Higginbottom made motion to approve purchase with one-half (½) to be paid out of water fund and one-half (½) to be paid from wastewater fund. Flick seconded the motion; all approved; motion passed. (4) Kevin also suggested we look into available funds for cleaning and televising storm lines and drains. Some discussion followed.

GUESTS: Rachel Jenkins stated that she and Joyce Lantz, from the Historical Society, went through the boxes that were slated for destruction and found some items they were interested in. She also asked for Council’s approval to take home some old papers, mostly agendas and committee appointments, in order to use the backsides at home. Joyce Higginbottom offered to come in to the office tomorrow to look at these papers to see if there would be a problem with her request.

Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Everling. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Town Council Minutes August 6, 2013


AUGUST 6, 2013          7:30 PM


PRESENT:  Council Members:  Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom; Terri  Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer;  Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.


The meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe.  Adams made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Flick seconded. Motion passed.


JEREMY PEELE: (1) Working with County Attorney Larry Murrell to clean up the street situation. There are still a number of streets in Greentown that are owned by Howard County. They are still trying to track down the memorandum of understanding regarding the 2 mile buffer zone. They have approved the proposed wellhead protection language, so he is drafting an ordinance for the county council to approve. He expects no issues with that.  Mr. Peele drafted Ordinance 2013-2 regarding special use exceptions for the zoning ordinance to give council more leeway for special use. (2) Mr. Deyoe addressed Ordinance 2010-5, the purpose of which was to stagger elections for Wards 4 and 5 to allow for continuity so the entire council could not be replaced at one time. As they were looking to get appropriate election dates in place for this year, Mr. Simmons at the Indiana Election Commission pointed out that per the same code used to pass the ordinance, sub-paragraph (c)(1) (which was overlooked), indicated that no municipality should conduct an election in the year immediately following a presidential election. It was recommended that we pass a new ordinance superseding the previous ordinance. He also suggested moving our elections to general election years which would result in a higher turnout and reduced cost to the town. Mr. Peele will work on an amended ordinance to correct this.


RYAN BRAUEN, WESSLER ENGINEERING:  (1) Progress meeting at WWTP earlier today. Project is progressing and we are starting to see some changes. They have started to backfill around clarifiers with more to come over the next few weeks.  (2)  Pay request #5 was submitted to Scott Deyoe today for approval.  (3) Change Order #2 will be issued this week or next. Wessler will then give us a budget update. Everything is progressing as planned. (4) Ryan spent some time on North Meridian Street today. He will talk with Kevin Moss from our Water and Street Department about their findings and what direction the town should take regarding the flooding in that area. (5) Kevin has provided an updated zoning map. Ryan brought up the possibility of digitizing the updated map. (6) TCI has indicated that they might complete the work at the WWTP by January 2014. (7) Deyoe brought up that some dye testing was done at Blondie’s and was found that the floor drains are connected to the storm sewer. They will continue working on this matter.


FIRE DEPARTMENT:  No report initially.

POLICE:  Deyoe read report. Everling made motion to accept; seconded by Adams. Motion passed.

WATER & STREET:  Report was read by Deyoe.  Highlights: 3 fire hydrants have been replaced; waiting on mason contractor at WWTP to see if they would be interested in looking at the fountain as a side project. Flick made motion to accept report, Everling seconded. Motion passed.

FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Chief Tom Hendricks came into meeting, read report. He reported that the fair went very smooth this year with no emergencies. The Fish Fry will be Sep. 21 from 4-7 pm.

WASTEWATER:  Report read by Deyoe. One bypass and two in-plant bypasses were reported by Steve Rule. Deyoe reported that Thieneman Construction had installed a clean-out on Surge Tank drain line which the town is responsible for. An invoice for $3802 has been presented to the Clerk Treasurer’s office for payment.  Higginbottom made motion to accept the report, seconded by Everling. Motion passed.

PARK ADVISORY:  No report. Was mentioned that the transplanted trees look good, but Mr. Rule stated they had cut a lot of roots off the trees.


NEW BUSINESS:  (1) Mrs. Higginbottom told us that there were over 700 people in attendance at last week’s Music at the Fountain. (2) Deyoe spoke about the old records from the utility office to be destroyed. Rachel Jenkins, Joyce Lantz and Connie Voorhis are working on this with the utility office. (3) Utility office is looking for direction on what to do about minimal response regarding the landowner agreement. (4) Deyoe addressed the executive session on healthcare, and told us that he had gotten a letter from the state offering a state health insurance plan. Adams reminded all that we had looked into this before and was not beneficial to us. (5) Clerk Terri Sommers announced that our next meeting on August 20 will be the public hearing on the proposed budget. (6) Scott Deyoe read Ordinance 2013-2 regarding the new zoning/special variance as requested by the Plan Commission, specifically for the property located at 404 E. Main Street. This was the first of three required readings.


Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Adams.  Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.


Town Council Minutes June 18, 2013


JUNE 18, 2013          7:30 PM


PRESENT:  Council Members:  Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, and Joyce Higginbottom;

Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

ABSENT:  Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer.


CLERK-TREASURER’S NOTE:  Clerk-Treasurer Terri Sommers and Deputy Clerk Joyce Flick were in an automobile accident at 1:40 pm on this day, on their way to a Budget Training Session in Peru. Neither was able to attend this meeting. Minutes were obtained from a tape recording.


The meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe.  Higginbottom made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting. Everling seconded. Motion passed.


JEREMY PEELE: No items presented.


UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  (1) President Deyoe addressed the establishment of a new Cumulative Capital Development Fund. He read aloud the published notice of this proposed fund. There was a question from the audience about the use of this fund. It was explained that this money will go into a fund to be used for any capital project for the town as deemed necessary. Some discussion about property taxes followed. There was more discussion as to necessary readings for resolution or ordinance. Town Attorney Jeremy Peele stated a resolution can be passed in a single reading. He suggested a motion be passed to suspend three readings, if required, for the passing of the resolution. Higginbottom made this motion, Everling seconded. Motion passed.  Council went on to accept the establishment of the new CCD Fund by individual vote. Each member voted Yes and signed the resolution/ordinance.  (2) Council discussed the proposed Amendment to Wellhead Protection Plan, as presented by Ryan Brauen from Wessler Engineering, at the previous meeting. Everling made a motion to split the cost of $2500 evenly between the Water and Wastewater Funds. Adams seconded. Motion passed.


NEW BUSINESS:   (1) Some “sewage-only” customers have requested having meters installed to monitor their water usage, believing it may reduce their sewage bill. There was discussion as to the cost involved and who should be responsible. Advantages and disadvantages to the town and homeowners were addressed, as well as other possible issues that might arise. Higginbottom made a motion to postpone a decision at this time. Motion was seconded by Everling. Motion passed.  (2)  There was discussion regarding a previous request from the Utility Office to destroy old records that are stored upstairs. No action taken. (3) President Deyoe read a letter from Greentown Lion’s Club requesting a $5,000 donation for the July 4th fireworks display. This amount was appropriated in the budget. Higginbottom made a motion to grant the request; Everling seconded. Motion passed.


GUESTS:  (1) Question regarding the fountain. Wessler Engineering has looked at this and has estimated a cost of $400-$600 plus the town employees’ time. They will get with Kevin Moss for a closer estimate and information on when they can meet. Question was also raised about where the money for this would come from. Mrs. Higginbottom suggested the possibility of the county’s “matching funds grant”, which led to further discussion about this grant. (2) The fact that Jeff Bennett, Town Marshall, will be on vacation was brought up by a guest. Deyoe responded that Kevin Moss now has a radio in his vehicle that can activate the tornado sirens if needed; also that when we have no officer on duty our town is covered by County Law Enforcement.


Motion to adjourn was made by Higginbottom, seconded by Everling.  Motion passed.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Town Council minutes June 4, 2013


JUNE 4, 2013          7:30 PM


PRESENT:  Council Members:  Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom;

Terri  Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer;  Joyce Flick, Deputy Clerk;  Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

ABSENT:  Scott Deyoe


After prayer by Dan Adams, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Guest Darrell Allen.  The meeting was then brought to order by Vice President Dan Adams.  Flick made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed.


JEREMY PEELE:  (1) He talked to Marshal Bennett about the order on a forfeiture of property in a criminal case which should be resolved. He will follow up on this tomorrow.  (2) He needs to spend time at the auditor’s office going through the road situation, as there are some roads in Greentown that are still owned by Howard County that needs to be sorted out in property records. He expects to get this worked out.  (3) He put a call in to Alan Wilson about the wellhead protection ordinance that Howard County needs to pass for the areas in our wellhead protection zone but outside of municipal limits. Ryan (Brauen) is going to check on that for, but there is no eminent time frame to worry about. Ryan will have the person who is handling that from his office email with update on deadlines.


RYAN BRAUEN, WESSLER ENGINEERING:  (1) Ryan presented amendment to wellhead protection plan agreement. He spoke of notification/requirement through IDEM for air quality control. It is a monitoring and recording procedure that is required for back-up emergency generators and other fume-emitting products the town has. We are not likely to be fined or audited because we are too small of a community, but we are still required to do some of this work. Kevin (Moss) has been working on this with people from Wessler Engineering office. Deadline to participate in this program, which could result in reduced violation fees, if incurred, is June 28.  An estimated fee of $2,500 for Engineering Services is included in the agreement. Ryan left the proposal with town council to be acted upon at a later date if approved.  This is a preventative measure, and will help in maintaining compliance with IDEM. 

(2)  Continuing to monitor construction at the WWTP. Clarifiers are pretty much on schedule, maybe a week behind. Figuring out how to handle ground water; there will be selections to make on paint colors. Progress meeting Thursday at 2:00 pm.



POLICE:  Report read. Higginbottom made motion to accept; Everling seconded. Motion passed.

WATER & STREET:  Report read.  (1) In new business, Kevin requested approval for some new t-shirts for water & sewage employees (approx. $8-$10 x 6 shirts). Higginbottom made motion to accept; seconded by Flick. Motion passed.  (2) Kevin also requested that Scott be allowed to work an extra two days a week with water & street departments, due to the vacancy left by Jared Isaac. It was decided that they need to work it out between them.  (3) Also mentioned in report that Kevin would like to see some of the main inceptor sewer cleaned and televised from the WWTP in some specific areas. We would be looking at a rough estimate of $15,000 - $20,000 for this project.  Most of these lines were last done in 2001/2004. He will get more accurate estimates if there is an interest in pursuing this. Joyce Higginbottom mentioned possible “matching funds” grant money available through the county that could be used for almost anything. We will look into this further.  (4) Flick made motion to accept the report; Everling seconded. Motion passed.

WASTEWATER:  Report read. Steve Rule addressed concerns about changes at the spillway/dam and its effect on the WWTP. He did say that Ryan (Wessler Eng.) does not feel it is a problem. Joyce Higginbottom said she will talk to Ryan about this. Motion to accept report by Flick; seconded by Higginbottom. Motion passed.

PARK ADVISORY:  No report.


NEW BUSINESS:  (1) Clerk Terri Sommers informed those present about the proposed establishment of a Cumulative Capital Development (CCD) Fund for the town. The process involves two (2) publications in the Kokomo Tribune (June 8 and 15), followed by a public hearing which will coincide with our next board meeting on June 18. Higginbottom made motion to proceed with publications and public hearing, Flick seconded. Motion passed.


MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS:  (1) Dan Adams addressed the July 2 board meeting.  Being a holiday week when many people will be on vacation or unavailable, it was recommended that the July 2 meeting be cancelled, and the July 16 meeting be held as scheduled. Higginbottom made motion to accept, seconded by Flick. Motion passed.


GUESTS:  (1) Darrell Allen questioned why the fountain wasn’t running, and spoke his concern about the tornado siren not serving a purpose since there is only one police officer on duty, as sirens are activated from the police cars. Discussion followed.  It was brought up that due to today’s technology, the siren is not our only means of notification in case of severe weather.  Jeremy Peelle suggested EMA reverse 911 system and gave a brief explanation of this.  It was also suggested that the radio transmitter can be given to any responsible person(s), such as the Fire Dept. This will be looked into further. (2)  Gary Buckley, Chairman of Music at the Fountain, requested the closure of Meridian Street from the stoplight to the alley north of City Hall, on Thursday evenings starting July 25 through Sept. 12, from 6 to 9 pm. He also asked that barricades be available for blocking the street. Higginbottom made a motion to honor this request, seconded by Flick. Motion passed. Mr. Buckley asked if they could store their sound system in City Hall during this time as they have been allowed to do in the past. He was told that would be no problem.


Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Everling.  Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.

Town Council Minutes May 7, 2013


MAY 7, 2013          7:30 PM


PRESENT:  Council Members:  Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom;

Terri  Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer;  Joyce Flick, Deputy Clerk; Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

SPECIAL GUESTS:  Mike Ward and Josh Cox, Indiana American Water.


After prayer by Dan Adams and the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe.  Flick made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Everling seconded. Motion passed.


JEREMY PEELE:  (1) He spoke with Marshal Bennett about property issue he believes they got resolved.

(2) He also talked to Alan Wilson, Asst. County Attorney, about county passing zoning ordinance in wellhead protection area that is outside town limits, who approved the language sent to him so he doesn’t expect that to be an issue. We will need to pass a corresponding ordinance for the property within the town limits. These ordinances would be in compliance with the wellhead protection plan.

(3) Mr. Peele addressed the question of liability of prior Clerk  Treasurer  for late fees that were incurred. He stated there is potential for personal liability anytime there is penalty or interest charges for late payments, and if the council wants him to proceed with that to let him know.


RYAN BRAUEN, WESSLER ENGINEERING:  (1) Ryan addressed Change Order #1 for the WWTP, recommended by Wessler, approved by TCI.  This involves seven (7) items classified as change to the project, resulting in a total net decrease in the construction cost of $30,925.00 (the bulk of which came from removing an Admixture from the concrete mix); and an increase of one (1) construction day. This change would bring the new contract amount to $5,115,075.00. Higginbottom made the motion to accept the change; Everling seconded. Motion passed.  (2) Ryan also presented a proposal (PCO #16) from Thieneman on costs for modifications to the plant to assist with future flood control. This involves seven detailed items as changes. If accepted, this change order would add $37,330 to the cost of the project for TCI, and an additional (approx.) $5,000 amendment to Wessler’s Construction Services agreement. There would also be a fifteen (15) day extension required. Higginbottom made a motion to accept this change; Everling seconded. Motion passed. Ryan will take care of paperwork to proceed.


FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Report read. 6 fires, 40 EMT runs, 12 rescue.

POLICE:  Report read. Everling made motion to accept; Adams seconded. Motion passed.

WATER & STREET:  Report read. Higginbottom made motion to accept; seconded by Flick. Motion passed.

WASTEWATER:  Report read. Motion to accept by Flick; seconded by Adams. Motion passed.

PARK ADVISORY:  (1) There are still a few spots to be adopted. (2) Community service day is May 11.    (3) Farmers Market starts May 11 and will run every Saturday through Sep. or Oct. It will be open from 9-1. (4) Community Garden will be planted as soon as possible after May 13. Jolene Rule, on behalf of Advisory Board, requested a $300 donation for the Community Garden. Adams made motion to grant request; Everling seconded. Motion passed.


UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Landowner agreement read by President Deyoe. Adams made motion to accept; Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed. Letters will be sent to landowners notifying them of new agreement with request to come in to utility office, landowners and tenants, to sign new form.


NEW BUSINESS:  (1) Mr. Flick made a motion that the council meeting for May 21 be cancelled as there was no business to discuss. Motion seconded by Higginbottom; motion passed. Notice will be posted in City Hall window. (2) Clerk Terri Sommers presented fundraiser for Relay for Life, an event held in Greentown in June. Request was for a $45 donation to have our windows painted and signs to put in front of City Hall. Higginbottom made motion to accept; Everling seconded. Motion passed. (3) Deyoe addressed the issue of SRF (State Revolving Fund) payments. Higginbottom made the motion that the President be able to sign the necessary papers for payment to be made, with copies available in the project folder for review. Flick seconded the motion; motion passed. (4) President Deyoe announced Representative Susan Brooks would visit our town on Friday, May 31.


MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS:  (1) Representatives from Indiana American Water gave a presentation regarding their interest in purchasing our water utility. Following some questions from council members and guests, they were thanked for their time. No action taken on this matter.  (2) Garry Hill addressed a request from Crave Crepes, a new downtown business, to put tables out on sidewalks. After some discussion regarding liability and ordinance, it was agreed that there would be no harm in this as long as the sidewalk was not blocked and there were no complaints.


GUESTS:  (1) Steve Cass spoke of his concern about the flooding that occurs on North Meridian Street when we get heavy rains. (2) Sammy Armstrong questioned if churches were excluded from being required to obtain a Peddler’s Permit. The answer was “No”… the only exception is for kids/fundraisers.


Motion to adjourn by everyone!  Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Town Council Minutes April 16, 2013

Town Council Meeting April 16, 2013 7:30 PM

Present: Council members: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom; Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer; Joyce Flick, Deputy Clerk.
Absent: Dan Adams

After the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe. Joyce Higginbottom made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting.  Flick seconded. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business:  landowner agreement still under debate.  Guest Mark Bradford had several questions regarding the agreement.  A lengthy discussion followed.  Deyoe stated he would entertain a motion to delay action until May 7th council meeting.  Everling made the motion; Flick seconded. Higginbottom made a motion that this matter be resolved at the next meeting with no further delays; Everling seconded. Motion passed.

New Business:  Clerk Terri Sommers presented the first application for SRF payment to TCI for work done to date on the WWTP, with a portion to be held in escrow at Centier Bank in Merrillville.  These forms were approved by Wessler Engineering.  Higginbottom made a motion to proceed with payment and escrow agreement; Everling seconded. Motion passed. President Deyoe signed the forms.

Deyoe announced that there would be a workshop for council members presented by Wessler Engineering Wednesday April 17th at 7:00 PM regarding advantages and disadvantages of owning our town’s water utility.

Deyoe also informed council members that Jared Isaac, part-time laborer for the Town of Greentown, has accepted full-time employment elsewhere and will no longer be with us.

Guests: Members of a team from “Destination Imagination” from Eastern Middle School approached the Council requesting a donation for their upcoming competition. After placing first at Regional and then at State levels, they will be going to Globals on May 22 at Tennessee University.  Higginbottom made a motion to sponsor one child at a cost of $650; Flick seconded. Mr. Everling had to excuse himself from the vote because he has a child in D.I.  Motion passed.

Guest Ed Petty spoke up about concerns regarding the proposed windmill farms.  He asked if the town would help with this fight, even though it is a rural issue.  He was listened to respectfully, but President Deyoe had to express Council’s inability to be involved because it is outside of city limits.  Some discussion followed.

Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Higginbottom. Motion passed. Meting adjourned at 8:20

Town Council Minutes April 2, 2013

Town Council Minutes April 2, 2013    7:30 PM

Present:  Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Terri Sommers, Clerk- Treasurer; Joyce Flick, Deputy Clerk

Meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe.  Dan Adams opened with prayer. Guest Mr. Mumaw led the Pledge of Allegiance. Dan Adams made the motion to accept the minutes of the March 19th meeting, seconded by J. Scott Flick. Motion passed.

Attorney Jeremy Peele stated that Mr. Wilson, Assistant County Attorney, is still reviewing proposed zoning language for the wellhead protection area that is outside the town limits.  He is waiting to hear back from him to get Howard County’s cooperation in passing their zoning ordinance so we can do ours.

President Deyoe informed the council that TCI has no payment requests pending. Ryan Brauen (with Wessler Engineering) is coming Thursday for a meeting with TCI, so he did not come to meeting tonight. He talks with Ryan several times a day about our project. Area is a muddy mess.

Volunteer Fire Dept – Tom Hendricks reported runs for the month.

Police Report – Marshall Bennett provided copies of the police report for March.  He included attachment for Council Members regarding an abandoned property that needs dealt with.  Council took a few moments to look over; was not discussed at length.  President Deyoe read police report. Everling made motion to accept; Adams seconded. Motion passed.  Minimal discussion regarding abandoned property followed.  Deyoe said he would contact the Mayor’s office about getting an inspector out to look at it.

Wastewater Report – Deyoe read report for March.  Anyone (specifically council members) interested in detailed project report is welcome to be at meting on Thursday at 2:00.  Flick made motion to accept; Everling seconded. Motion passed.

Park Advisory Board – Jolene Rule reported that the two vacant positions mentioned at last meeting were in Wards 1 and 2.  She has been in contact with Eden’s Way about replacing a planter for the Adopt–A-Spot program.  Community Service Day is scheduled for May 11.  Will meet at the fountain at 9:00 AM and will finish before noon.  First day for Farmer’s Market will be May 11 and will run every Saturday through the end of October. Weather permitting from 9:00-1:00 at same location.  They will be doing Community Garden again this year; work days have yet to be chosen.  Jolene reported that the trees and bench have been moved away from the WWTP.  Trees were relocated at different places along the trail.

Utility Report – was handed out to Council Members. Nothing unusual to report or discuss.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Town Council Minutes March 5, 2013

Town Council Minutes March 5, 2013    7:30 PM

Present:  Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, J. Scott Flick, Todd Everling, and 19 guests; Terri A. Sommers (New Clerk Treasurer) and Jeremy Peelle. ABSENT: Joyce Higginbottom

Dan Adams opened with prayer.  Jolene Rule led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Scott Deyoe introduced Terri Sommers and welcomed her as the new Clerk/Treasurer by a Republican Party Caucus at 6:30 PM.

Dan Adams made a motion to accept the minutes of February 5th and February 19th meetings, J. Scott Flick seconded.  Motion passed.

Jeremy Peelle, Town Attorney – had conversation with Asst. County Attorney on weld-head protection plan.  Foresees no problems at this time.  Zoning ordinance needed to be passed for outside town limits.  No action needed at this time.

Ryan Brauen, Wessler Engineering: TCI as Thieneman Construction, Inc. will start setting up in about 2 weeks weather permitting.  New recycling service is being looked at for when demolition starts.  FTM-Field Transmittal Memo minor changes.

Tom Hendricks – Greentown Fire Chief: 57 Total Runs: 41 EMS Runs; 13 Fire Runs; and 3 Rescue Runs in February.  Mr. Hendricks announced that February 1, 2013 a new EMT program became effective that runs from 6 AM to 6 PM daily (7 days a week), with a response time of less than one minute.  The question was asked, “How are they paid?” Tom replied their budget is for the service to the community of the Town of Greentown. Regular run from Kokomo Medic will stay the same.

Fire Department – The 2013 and 2014 contracts in the amount of $24,940 was signed by the Board and returned to Mr. Hendricks for the Fire Dept.  Board to sign and return by Friday.  Two installments, each $12,470 are to be made on June 1 and Dec 1 of each year.  Todd Everling made motion to accept. J. Scott Flick seconded.  Motion passed.  Regarding 2014 Fire Contract, J. Scott Flick made motion to accept, Dan Adams seconded.  Motion passed.  Lease agreement is presently in the hands of their legal counsel.

Police report – 305 hours worked; 9 traffic arrests; 21 traffic warnings; 8 cases investigated; 7 cases cleared; 1 case suspended; 5 criminal arrests; 183 calls for service; 3 accidents investigated; 27 agency assists; 1 holiday; 6 vacation days; 9 O.T. hours worked; 8 training hours; 1840.6 total miles; and 155 gallons of gas used.  Todd Everling made motion to accept.  J. Scott Flick seconded. Motion passed.

Jeff Bennett reported that he was having a tire issue.  Todd Everling suggested for him to go to Terrell’s Automotive to get the tire plugged.  Jeff also needed his petty cash fund replenished as he was down to $5.00 remaining.  The board asked Terri Sommers and Joyce Flick to look into finding his receipts in the clerk’s office and cutting him a check for petty cash.

Water & Street Report read by Scott Deyoe -Total water pumped 4,175,000; max. daily flow 222,000; min daily flow 116,000; average daily flow 149,000; miles 1212; gas 155 gallons.

M. E. Simpson pinpointed lead on 303 W. Grant St.
Repair leak in 6’ cast iron line at 303 W. Grant St.
Bontrager Welding repaired ’97 F-350 flatbed and salt spreader.
Repaired lead in ¾” copper at 222 Meadows Drive.
Installed 3 new vents on methane vent wells in SE corner of landfill.
All snowblades were serviced. Blades for ’00 F-250 were sandblasted and repainted.
Quarterly methane monitoring was done on Feb. 7 and no exceedances were noted.
Read meters, salted, plowed snow, washed and serviced equipment as needed.
J. Scott Flick made he motion to accept. Todd Everling seconded. Motion passed.

Wastewater Report read by Scott Deyoe – snowfall 2.0; Rainfall 1.6: Flow 9,151.000 gallons; daily average 326,821 gallons, Dan Adams made motion to accept, J. Scott Flick seconded. Motion passed.

Park Advisory Board – Jolene Rule met with Mr. Brad Wilson, EHS Athletic Director, and received approval to move the benches and trees from the WWTP. Jolene also advised the board that there are two openings available on the Park Advisory Board if anyone is interested.

Unfinished Business – Mr. Deyoe stated there is no update on land/ homeowner agreement regarding utilities at this time.  The Council is still looking into a solution as discussed in Caucus. Sample agreement from Kokomo Utility Co. has been obtained, and Board is committed to suspend enforcement until update is complete and approved by Town Attorney.

New Business – Mr. J. Scott Flick: Utility Office is having a problem with trash and storm water bills not being paid on time.  Mr. Flick made motion to send them to Jeremy Peelle every 3 months for a collection letter to be sent out.  Todd Everling seconded.  Motion passed.

Mr. Flick would like to take some of the March 19, 2013 council meeting time to honor the Eastern Girls Basketball Team with cake or cookies and punch and a plague-type award.  Send an invitation to come to the board meeting.  This will be funded by the council members not by the town.  Todd Everling seconded. Motion passed.

Mr. Todd Everling – No New Business
Mr. Dan Adams – No New Business
Ms. Terri Sommers – No New Business
Guests: Mr. Allen – Question on new vent at landfill. When and how long? Last year.
Mr. Buckley – Question on trash and storm water letter. Why 3 months?  Is this the same as water and sewage?  Mr. Deyoe explained that this was for the customers that have just trash and storm water only that are not paying.  The 3 months was so that it does not get out of hand and we are dealing with a small amount of money.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Town Council Meeting February 5, 2013

Town Council meeting February 5, 2013

Members present: Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Scott Flick, Carolyn Johnson and Jeremy Peelle. Members absent: Joyce Higginbottom and Todd Everling.

Dan Adams opened with prayer.  The pledge of allegiance was led by Clark Walker.

Reorganization of Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals remain the same. Plan Commission administrator – Garry Hill. Plan Commission Chairman - Gary Lacy, Vice Chairman – Ray Mumaw, Secretary – Clark Walker, Member – Don Downs.
Board of Zoning Appeals: Chairman – Ray Mumaw, Vice Chairman – Don Downs, Secretary – Clark Walker, Member- Roger Wolfe.

Dan Adams made the motion to accept minutes of January 2013 meeting.  Scott Flick seconded. Motion passed.

Ryan Brauen – Engineer
1) Construction agreement between the Town and Thieneman Construction a. Agreement b. Insurance certificates, Performance Bond, Payment Bond. Dan Adams made the motion to approve with Scott Flick seconding. Motion passed.
2) Notice to proceed was made in a motion by Scott Flick and seconded by Dan Adams. Motion passed.
3) Wessler Amendment No. 5 a. Construction Administrative Services b. RPR (inspection services) c. WWTP Operation Support (during construction) d. Start-up Services and Operations & Maintenance Manuals e) Warranty Services.  Dan Adams made the motion to accept. Scott Flick seconded. Motion passed.

Tom Hendricks – Greentown Fire Department. 32 EMS Runs, 5 Fire runs and 1 Rescue Run in January. Lease agreement is presently in the hands of their legal council.

Water & Street Report -  Scott Flick made the motion to accept. Dan Adams seconded. Motion passed.

Wastewater Report – Scott Flick made the motion to accept.  Dan Adams seconded.  Motion passed.

Park Advisory Board – Jolene Rule had no report as they did not meet in January.

Jeremy Peelle, Attorney – Presented to the board a contract between the Town of Greentown and Attorney Jeremy Peelle for 2013.  Scott Flick made the motion to accept the contract.  Dan Adams seconded. Motion passed.

Guests: Don Downs, Merrill Swisher, Wayne Downs, Mark Bradford and Gary Etchison presented to the Town Council their displeasure concerning the letter they had received from Greentown Utilities about requiring all property owners to have the utilities bill for their properties put into their names so they are responsible for the bills.  President Scott Deyoe said he would check into this matter and re-evaluate the situation. Motion was made by Scott Flick to suspend the notice that all property owners are required to have the utilities bill for their properties put into their names until March 31, 2013.

Dan Adams made the motion to adjourn. Scott Flick seconded.

Town Council Meeting January 1, 2013

Present Scott Flick, Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, Dan Adams, Carolyn Johnson and Jeremy Peelle. Joyce Higginbottom absent.

Re-organization of Town Council:
Todd Everling made a motion to nominate Scott Deyoe for President. Dan Adams seconded. Motion passed.  Scott Flick made the motion for Dan Adams to be nominated for Vice President. Todd Everling seconded. Motion passed.

President Scott Deyoe brought the meeting to order.  Dan Adams opened with prayer and Ray Mumaw led the pledge of allegiance.  Dan Adams made the motion to accept December 2012 minutes.  Scott Flick seconded. Motion passed.

Ryan Brauen – Engineer Notice of Award given to Thieneman Construction, Inc.  for $5,146,000.00 Project Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements.  Dan Adams made the motion to approve. Scott Flick seconded. Motion passed.

Police Report – Dan Adams made the motion to accept with Todd Everling seconding.  Motion passed.

Water & Street Report – Scott Flick made the motion to accept with Dan Adams seconding.  Motion passed.

No business reports presented by the Greentown Fire Department, Wastewater or Park Advisory Board.

Unfinished business: Keystone Software – Disaster Recovery Agreement. Motion to pay $275.00 as the annual billing for protection of said software programs was made by Scott Flick and seconded by Dan Adams. Motion passed.

New business:  Motion made by Dan Adams seconded by Scott Flick to initiate two board meetings per month beginning February 2013.  Meet at 7:30 PM the first and third Tuesdays. Third Tuesday to be dominated by Wastewater Project.  Motion passed.

Scott Flick made the motion to adjourn. Dan Adams seconded.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

December 27, 2012 Town Council

December 27, 2012
Town Council

Council met at 6:00 PM,
Joyce Higginbottom, Dan Adams, Scott Flick, Todd Everling, Joyce Flick and Carolyn Johnson.

Joyce Higginbottom opened the meeting with a motion made by Dan Adams and seconded by Scott Flick for an Emergency Water Meeting.  Subject US 35/ SR 213 Water line.
Three contractors were contacted to bid for repairs.  Noland Excavating (Sean Noland will be in Florida) - No bid.  Hugh Wyrick was also leaving for Florida and thought the job was to big for him. No bid.  Harvey Construction Co., Inc.  gave an estimate of $75,000.00.  They will start 12/26/2012 with the boring.  12/27-28, 2012 and work throught the weekend to get it done.  Policy Change: Homeowners are to be responsible for water/sewage bill and not the renters.

Motion was nade by Scott Flick and seconded by Dan Adams to approve the Additional Appropriation Resolution/Ordinance 201001111 MVH - Salaries in the amount of $12,500.00.  Motion passed.  This had been advertised in the Kokomo Tribune 10 days previously.

Dan Adams made the motion to adjourn.  Scott Flick seconded.

December 11, 2012 meeting

December 11, 2012 meeting at 6:00 PM

Those attending: Scott Flick, Dan Adams, Joyce Higginbottom, Todd Everling, Carolyn Johnson, Joyce Flick.

Ordinance number 2012-13 An Ordinance establishing the voting districts of the Town of Greentown. Signature page is to be resigned.

MVH Fund put in additional appropriation of $12,500.00 to appropriation line, motion was made by Todd Everling and seconded by Dan Adams.  Motion passed.

Scott Flick made the motion to amend Capital Improvement plan the Town of Greentown hereby adopts an Amended Capital Improvement Plan for the Town of Greentown to provide for its expenditure of all the Economic Development Income Tax (EDIT) Revenue.  A portion of the Riverboat Fund, and all the General Landfill Revenues and the plan is as follows:
  1. Completing the landfill remediation and closure process.
  2. Development of objectives concerning land use, infrastructure, thoroughfares, drainage, etc.
  3. Revitalization of downtown Greentown and
  4. Revitalization of local neighborhoods.

The Town Council of the Town of Greentown designates that the Economic Development Income Tax revenue be utilized for the purpose of completing the landfill remediation and closure process through the year 2013.  The Town Council also hereby authorizes landfill expenditures from the Riverboat Fund and/or the General landfill Revenues as needed to complete landfill remediation projects in 2012 and 2013.  Dan Adams seconded. Motion passed.

Salary Ordinance 2012-14 needs new figures.

Dan Adams made the motion to adjourn. Scott Flick seconded.

Public Hearing December 4, 2012

All Board members present.  Town Attorney Jeremy Peelle

A public hearing for Ordinance 2012-16 was held at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall pf the City of Greentown, Indiana prior to the regular December meeting.

Also present: Ryan Brauen, Cheryl Buckley, Jef Buckley, Doug Baldassari, Kevin Moss, Donald Downs and Jolene Rule.

Town Council Meeting December 4, 2012

Town Council
December 4, 2012

All Board Members Present. Town Attorney, Jeremy Peelle

Dan Adams opened the meeting with prayer.  Cheryl Buckley led the pledge of allegiance.
Motion to approve the previous minutes as read made by Dan Adams and seconded by Scott Flick.  Motion passed.

Attorney, Jeremy Peelle – SRF had minor changes in the language of the November 13th meeting that need to be amended.

Engineer, Ryan Brauen – We will be preparing the notice of award letter for our meeting on the first – will forward to us before meeting.  Also send us a copy of our agreement for construction engineering services and inspection.  Present this on the first or February 8, 2013.

Doug Baldessari / Umbaugh – SRF Bond closing set for 11th of December.

Greentown Volunteer Fire Co. – Not present due to a fire run

Police Report – Motion made by Dan Adams seconded by Todd Everling to accept as read. Motion passed.

Water/ Street Report – Motion made by Scott Flick to accept, seconded by Scott Deyoe. Motion passed.

Wasterwater Report – Dan Adams made the motion to accept, Scott Flick seconded.  Motion Passed.

Park Advisory Board – Jolene Rule stated all went well with the Community Garden, Farmers Market and Holiday Bazaar.

Ordinance 2012-13 Establishing the voting districts for the Town of Greentown.  3rd reading.  Motion to accept made by Todd Everling, seconded by Scott Deyoe.  Motion passed.

Ordinance 2012-14 Salary Ordinance for Employees for Town of Greentown.  3rd reading.  Also personnel policies attached.  Motion to modify this reading and suspend the rules to rewrite the Salary Ordinance with a new raise of $800.00 base salary increase for the full-time employees and $.35/hr. for part-time employees.  Scott Flick made the motion and seconded by Dan Adams.  Motion passed.  Motion to approve Ordinance 2012-14 made by Scott Flick seconded by Dan Adams. Motion passed. Motion to approve Personnel Polices made by Todd Everling, seconded by Scott Deyoe.  Motion passed.

2nd reading – An Ordinance Establishing an amended schedule pf rates and charges to be collected by the town of Greentown Indiana from owners of property served by the sewage works of said town.  Ordinance 2012-16 was read in full by Dan Adams.  Motion to suspend the rules and pass on the second reading was made by Todd Everling and seconded by Dan Adams.  Motion passed.

New Business:  Motion to accept the contract for 2013 with the Kokomo Humane Society was made by Scott Deyoe, seconded by Scott Flick. Motion passed.

An adjustment of $25.90 for October was amended on the 11/30/2012 Fuel Log and recorded properly on Barn Log Sheet.

Keystone Software – Annual Disaster Recovery Agreement for a fee of $275.00/year.  Motion to table made by Todd Everling, seconded by Scott Flick. Tabled until Scott Deyoe can do research further.  Motion passed.

Certificate of Insurance for firefighters and equipment will be requested from the Greentown Volunteer Fire Company.

Additional appropriation tabled.

Jef Buckley pointed out the wrong date for water repair on Main & Maple. It should have been 11/23 instead of 1/23.

Dan Adams made the motion to adjourn. Scott Flick seconded.