Monday, November 23, 2015

Town Council Meeting Minutes Sept 1, 2015

Greentown Town Council Meeting
September 1, 2015 6:30 PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, Dan Adams, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Clerk Teresa Duke
Meeting was called to order by President Scott Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: General Fund total expenses for August 5th – September 1st were $97,578.36. Water Co. was $182,544.06. The Wastewater Utilities totaled $139,471.38. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion was seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Items from Attorney: Mr. Peelle was given Board approval to continue to pursue delinquent payment from 126 E. Blaine St. Mr. Peelle will also give a 10 day notice to erect a proper fence at 533 E. Grant St. if not then pool needs to be drained.

Engineer Report: No report was given from Mr. Brauen. (Traveling)

Greentown Fire Dept. Report: For the month of August 2015, the Greentown Fire Department had 3 rescue, 6 fire and 45 EMS runs. The Fire Contract for 2016 was presented to the board for approval. It is the same as the year before except the amount is increased by 4%. Mr. Deyoe read the new Fire Contract Amount for 2016. The contract specifies $26,716.00 which is payable in two installments, first payment of $13,358.00 is due June 1, 2016 and the second payment for the same amount is due on December 1, 2016. Mr. Peelle reviewed contract in caucus and had no issues with the contract. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the Fire Contract for 2016. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Mrs. Higginbottom seconded. Motion carried.

Police Dept. Report: Reading of the Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Higginbottom. Motion carried.

Water Report: Reading of the Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Adams. Motion was seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Street Report: Reading of the paper report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion was seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried. Mr. Deyoe is disappointed in the street sweeper performance. Mr. Klein is aware of the poor performance of the street sweeper and is not happy about it as well.

Wastewater Report: Reading of the Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Park Advisory Board Report: Mr. Deyoe reported for Jolene Rule on the Park Report. The Park Advisory Board is working on surveys to send out to the public to see what they would like in the new Park.

Old Business: Marshal Bennett is currently working with Jeremy Peelle on three following properties in Greentown to demolish: 228 South Hunt St., 126 W. Payton St. and 128 N. Meridian St.

New Business: Marshal Bennett is looking into portable radar speed signs for Greentown. Speeds around the schools are a concern. Marshal Bennett will follow up with the board on the radar signs.

Mrs. Duke introduced Debbie Mitts as a new employee working in the Utility Office.

Mr. Brock presented the Town Council the new Debt Service Schedule from refunding the 2003 Revenue Bonds from the Water Co. In 2003 the rate on the revenue bonds was 4.5%. The Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 is now 2.29%. This Refunding was very successful and was able to save money and put funds in the operating fund, which puts the Water Co. in a better financial shape.

Mr. Brock is now working on refunding the Wastewater Bonds. Mr. Brock will get back with the Town Council in 30 days on this refunding which could save the Wastewater Utility up to $100,000.00.

Guests: Mr. Williams (423 Meadows Dr.) property borders the Meadows Lift Station and part of his fence is on Town property and part of the Town’s fence is on Mr. Williams’s property. Both parties agree to not move the fences but to leave as is. Mr. Peelle will have legal documentation drawn up and will have this recorded on both deeds.

Mr. Andrew Roselle representing Mr. Shane Coffman, the developer of a proposed project at 614 W. Main asked the council if requesting annexation of the project would guarantee Greentown plan commission and council approval of the project. There was discussion and comments on the project by council members. No motion was made or action taken.

Mr. Wayne Downs complained about the tall weeds and concrete piles on the Kokomo Grain property on Mill St. Marshal Bennett is currently working on the tall weeds and will look into the piles of concrete.

Public Hearing on the 2016 Budget: Mr. Deyoe read the 2016 Budget for Greentown Civil Town. The 2016 Budget Adoption will be on September 15, 2015. The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888) 739-9826.

Adjourn: Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

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