Thursday, October 2, 2014

July 1, 2014 Town Council Minutes

Greentown Town Council Meeting

Date July 1, 2014 6:30 PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, Dan Adams, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Clerk Teresa Duke

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Flick made a motion to accept the minutes. Mr. Adams seconded. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: Mr. Deyoe had a request that the amounts of the Docket be read at the Town Council Meeting. Water Co. approved expenditures are $6,188.28. Wastewater Utilities are $12,621.89. Town Council fund is $24,119.03. Mr. Everling made a motion to accept the docket. Mr. Flick seconded. Motion carried.

Items from Attorney Jeremy Peelle: None.

Items from Engineer: Mr. Ryan Brauen indicated that the major work is primarily complete. The target date is July 12, 2014, but a more realistic date would be the end of the month due to a downsizing of work crew. Mr. Everling asked Mr. Brauen for an update on the collapsed drain on north Meridian St. Mr. Brauen reported that the clay pipe is in terrible condition and recommended that the line be replaced. Mr. Bryan Klein believes the town can repair it with internal staff. Mr. Klein needs the elevation for the runs from the engineer so he can price out the job.

Greentown Fire Dept. Report: Chief Tom Hendricks reported in June there were 56 runs. Of these seven (7) were fire runs, four (4) were rescues, and forty-five (45) were EMS runs.

Police Dept. Report: Marshal Bennett gave an update on properties at 128 N. Meridian and 228 S. Hunt Street. Both property owners have been notified of the town’s concerns. Attorney Jeremy Peelle said that the next step is to allow time for the owners to respond and, if they don’t respond within the allowed timeframe, then the town can file a nuisance claim. Motion to approve was by Mr. Flick. Mr. Everling seconded. Motion carried.

Marshal Bennett also brought up that the body cameras that the Police Dept. use are not user friendly. The cameras only work half the time. He would like to continue to use the cameras, but needs to check into better equipment. Mr. Everling and Mr. Flick will work with Marshal Bennett on this matter. Also mentioned is that the driver’s seat on the Crown Victoria needs repair work; the Marshal is getting quotes for repair.

Water and Street Report: Reading of Paper Report: Mr. Flick made a motion to accept the report. Motion seconded by Mr Everling. Motion Passed

Wastewater Report: Reading of Paper Report: Mr. Flick made a motion to accept the report. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion Passed.

Park Advisory Board: Mrs. Jolene Rule stated the board is searching to replace a concrete planter that was damaged. They are having difficulty in finding a match due to the age of the planter.

Old Business: None.

New Business from Council Members: Mrs. Higginbottom would like to thank Kevin Moss for all his years of service to Greentown and wish him well in his retirement.

Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept Deborah Dugdale as a part time utility clerk. Mrs. Dugdale will be working 28 hours a week at $11.00 an hour. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Mr. Everling has contacted Terry Cooper of Windfall to be our Operator of Record for the water utility. Mr. Cooper would be a 1099 Employee as the Operator of Record for the Water Utility. The town will hire Mr. Cooper at a rate of $400.00 a month for a weekly visit. Any additional work would be at a rate of $35.00 an hour. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept Mr. Cooper. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried.

Heartland Market is investing in their parking lot by repaving it. They would like to pave the alley which the town owns as well so that the entire paved area looks uniform. The town’s part of the bill will be $500.00. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to spend $500.00 out of local road and street money to pave the alley. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Mr. Deyoe gave an update on the Fountain. Greentown Main Street Assocition gave a donation of $2745.44 strictly for the fountain repair. Mr. Deyoe thanked them for their generous gift. Ryan Welcher of Kendal Masonary has contacted Mr. Deyoe and will donate their labor at no charge and the town is responsible for the materials.

Clerk Treasurer and Council President: Circuit Breaker losses for 2014 total $83,183.59. This amount is used to calculate reductions from budget. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Guests: Mr. Deyoe addressed the audience in reference to recent reports that appeared in the local news media. He stated that town utilities are not for sale. The Wastewater Dept. is solvent and fully funded. The Water Utility Dept. is fully solvent. The town is fully solvent and is fully funded by property tax revenue.

Mr. Ray Mumaw is opposed to getting rid of the Police Dept. Mr. Deyoe thanked Mr. Mumaw for his comments and his interest in the operation of the town.

Adjournment: Motion made to adjourn by Mr. Adams. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick.

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