Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Town Council Meeting minutes Dec.6,2011

Town Council December 6, 2011  7:30 P.M.
All members present
Prayer was voiced by Dan Adams followed by the pledge of allegiance led by Dr. Tracy Caddell.
1.       President Higginbottom said no minutes were recorded for the October meeting. November minutes were approved as presented on motion by Dan Adams.  Scott Flick seconded.  Motion passed.
2.       Attorney Peele had prepared 2012 Salary Ordinance.  He presented a renewal contract for his services which is the same as 2011.  He is drafting papers for the annexation of property located at 9035 E. 00 NS.
3.       Wessler Engineering: Ryan gave a time line of events for the PER.  Public Hearing will be December 12, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. and Council will meet on December 20th, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. to accept the PER.
4.       Scott Deyoe discussed possible funding for the storm sewer project thru OCRA grant and what INDOT is willing to do on this project. Motion was made for attorney to draw up a Storm Water Utility Ordinance in the amount of $1.00 per month to all those who receive utility bills to get a fund started. Everling seconded. Motion passed.
5.       Dr. Caddell from Eastern School Corporation and Tony Kirkendahl of Performance Services discussed the wind turbine project proposed on property the school owns near the South Water Tower.  They would like to partner with the town to upgrade and maintain the present access road instead of installing a second road.  This will be discussed at a later date when more information is available.
6.       Greentown Fire Department had no report.
7.       Police report was read.  Dan Adams made motion to accept.  Scott Flick seconded. Motion passed.
8.       Water and Street report read.  Scot Flick made a motion to accept.  Everling seconded. Motion passed.
9.       Wastewater report read. Dan Adams made motion to accept.  Scott Flick seconded. Motion carried.
10.   Park Advisory Board – Jolene Rule listed 2012 projects: May will be planting of flowers in various areas in town, would like to extend the months for the farmers market, will continue the Arts and Crafts Show.  The Comet Trail loan is now below $780.00.
11.   Scott Deyoe read Ordinance No. 2011-5 “AN ORDINANCE FIXING SALARIES OF TOWN EMPLOYEES, COUNCIL, PLAN COMMISION AND BOARD OF APPEALS”. He asked for a motion to suspend the three readings. Everling seconded. Motion carried.  Dan Adams made motion to accept Ordinance 2011-5 as read and Todd Everling seconded.  Motion passed.
12.   Scott Deyoe made the motion to accept the contract with Jeremy Peele for legal services.  Everling seconded. Motion passed.
13.   Dan Adams made a motion to accept the 2012 contract with Kokomo Humane Society for animal control services.  Todd Everling seconded.  Motion passed.
14.   President Higginbottom announced a Public Hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals on December 13, 2011 AT 6:30 p.m.
15.   A letter of compliance dated November 28, 2011 was received from IDEM in response to the violations at the landfill that have all been corrected.
16.   Dan Adams made motion to adjourn, seconded by Scott Flick. Motion carried.

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