Friday, December 30, 2011

November 1, 2011

Town Council
All members present, Clerk Treasurer absent
Prayer voiced by Dan Adams followed by the pledge of allegiance led by Jef Buckley.
For the record – Clerk Treasurer absent without notification and no minutes from the previous meeting were provided.
1.       Attorney Peele sent correspondence to Clerk Treasurer that has gone unanswered as far as her not performing certain statutory duties and he will follow up with other municipal attorneys as to suggestions on how to handle it since she is an appointed elected official.  She can’t be fired as an employee and he will get back with regard as to what the options are.
2.       2. Engineer – Ryan passed out schedule on Wastewater project with a time line for events.  Some of these are subject to change.  First important one; advertisement for public hearing required as part of the PER needs to happen on December 2nd. They need to get a draft to the town by December 2nd. SRF application was submitted September 7th.  We are trying to stick to deadline of January 5. By advertising on December 2nd with public hearing on December 12th, there will be a 5-day comment period with second council meeting scheduled for December 20th.  Construction beginning about this time next year.  Work now at about 50% stage or so and looking to submit design to IDEM by March 1 and are on track as to where they should be.
2nd item – Huck’s project is a drainage issue.  They have plans to pave over the retention area and where would the water overflow go?  Wessler’s have been talking to their engineers and keeping Kevin in the loop.  Wessler hasn’t charged us for looking into this and won’t unless there are meetings about it.  Do we need to draft an ordinance or resolution to give cost back to the person or business if engineering is needed for situations like this?
Storm water – Greg Lake said the county has set aside funds if the town has interest in forming a storm water utility.  The fund would be to work on the storm water north of 22/35 with or without the improvements on 22.  INDOT will only put in the size they need.  Does the town want to pay the difference to upgrade the size now?  What do they do with what is already under the road?  Wessler says they will just leave them there.  Will be legal issues as to who will maintain the pipe when road is done.  INDOT want the town to maintain it.  Joyce said the meeting she and Kevin went to said we should pay the $600,000. Or they will just do what they want and live with it.
3.       Fire Department – No one here but thanks to all of them.
4.       Police Report read and approved on a motion by Adams with the second by Flick. Motion passed.
5.       Water & Street report read and approved with a motion by Scott Flick and the second by Dan Adams.  All voted in favor.  Kevin said Ortman’s checked the well at the Wastewater plant.  It is only pumping at about 32 gpm.
6.       Wastewater report read and approved on a motion by Dan Adams with the second by Scott Flick. Motion passed.
7.       Park Advisory Board reported that a new adoptee had taken over the area around the town sign.  There were 6 volunteers to help with fall cleanup.  Farmer’s Market was good this year.  Total figures are not in yet but should be around $600.00.  The Arts & Craft fair will be held at the Fair Grounds on November 12th.  Projects – Comet Trail loan is now under $1000.00 – Community Garden delivered over 1,000 pounds of produce to the less fortunate in our community.
8.       There was no unfinished business.
9.       New Business – Scott Flick brought up the question on a driveway at 120 N. Washington St.  They have been talking about using the alley and also part of the improvement will be on private property. There are questions on violating the 3 foot set-back and this would need a variance process.  They will need to have a survey done if doing something on private property.  Will contact them and let them know they need a survey before anything is done.
Deyoe received a letter from Greater Kokomo Economic Development Council on forming a committee with the City of Kokomo, Howard County, Russiaville and Greentown for applying for a brown field assessment grant from the EPA.  Soil and Material, INC. is retained and working on a report and is preparing a final draft and needs a letter saying the Town would be a member of this coalition.  The grant could be used if an assessment was needed.  Letter needs to be in by November 7th. There will be no cost to us.  Motion was made by Deyoe and seconded by Flick to join this committee.  Motion passed.
Todd Everling made a motion to hire Joyce Flick to help get the books cleared up.  The pay will be $15.00 per hour.  Motion seconded by Dan.  All voted in favor.
Joyce announced the Plan Commissions fourth quarterly meeting on November 15th.
Guests – Jef Buckley had 2 concerns: Has anyone contacted Russiaville Council to see how they are handling the storm water lines under SR 26 going through the town since they are now dealing with that project.  Also the alley behind his house; he is concerned there is not enough room by fire hydrants to make turns if alley is opened and used for traffic. Joyce said they will look into this.
10.   Dan Adams made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Flick, motion passed.


  1. Thank you for sharing this information. The report will help the community to know about the minutes of the meeting and who was present there to attend the meeting.

  2. This is kind of weired thing. It happens usually the most require person is absent in a meeting or safety place. Thanks its quite an informative thing to be shared with others.
