Tuesday, February 4, 2020

January 6, 2020 board meeting

Greentown Main Street Association Minutes
Monday, January 6, 2020

The Greentown Main Street Association met on Monday January 6, 2020 in the Century Villa Community Room.

Those in attendance were:
Directors present: Regina Poe, Jolene Rule, Lisa Stout, Alisha Wilhelm, Ronda Eldridge, Rachel Jenkins Mark Lantz, Liesbet Patrick, Katie Regan, Garry Hill and Ed Hannah.

Directors absent with regrets: Jolene Rule , Ron Simpson, Renda Hurst

Members present: Jenny Cole, Mike Imbler, Jeff Lanning, Jennifer Lanning, , Greg Sumpter, Robin Hainlen, Amanda Condon, Wayne Sozansky,

Visitors present: Debbie Crabtree, Eric Roemer

At 5:30 PM President Regina Poe asked everyone to introduce themselves.

The minutes of the November 2019 meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as sent.

The Treasurer's reports for November and December were read. The reports were filed for audit.

The signature card at First Farmer's Bank & Trust was discussed. It was moved that Regina Poe be added to the card and Jolene Rule be taken off of the card. This would leave Lisa Stout and Ronald D Simpson still on the card. This motion was made by Mark Lantz and seconded by Liesbet Patrick. The motion was approved.


Membership – It was reported as 31 paid memberships for 2020 and 1 exchange membership. Membership forms are available if you have not paid your 2020 dues.

Fundraising – Is in need of a chairman. Most programs raise their own money for their events, but there are some operating expenses that fundraising for the general fund is needed.

Website – Updates to the business directory will be made usually in February after most of the membership dues are in.

Facebook Page – Jolene reported that the facebook page has 540 followers. This is a good way to advertise any upcoming sales or events.

Design - Katie Regan -Chairman

Katie announced those on the Design Committee for 2020. They are Jolene Rule – Trees and Street scapes, Rachel Jenkins – Historic Character, Jenny Cole – Public places and spaces, Jim & Mary Miller – Christmas Lights, Joyce Yager – Revitalization plan projects.

Revitalization Plan - Permit for the Wildcat Creek bridge is approved. . Phase II Environmental Site assessment to look for petroleum products has been completed with no evidence found. Traffic signal plans were revised and resubmitted for approval. Final right of way plans have been submitted but this will take some time to complete.

Town Beautification –
Murals and Signage
Christmas Lights Would like to add more lights or decorations for next year.

Economic Vitality - Mark Lantz - Chairman.

The next business leaders meeting will be March 8. Anyone who is interested in the town and would like to partner with other business owners are invited to attend. What can we do to make someone stop in Greentown? What can we do to make Greentown a destination town? The new baseball park at Darrough Chapel is only 7 miles away. There are some opportunities there. Greentown is a Veteran friendly town. One idea for a meeting is What do our county officials do?

Business Directory – Regina Poe – chairman

Regina is working on the 2020 business directory. $75.00 for ½ page and $150.00 for a full page ad.


Music At The Fountain – July 25 – Sept 12. They plan to stay downtown this year. .

MATF Scholorship – Jolene reported that the committee has budgeted $500 for a scholorship to an Eastern High School Senior for 2020.
Community Rummage sale – May 16th will be the Spring sale for 2020

Lt. Mike Andry Ride – July 25, 2020. The 2020 ride will be the last one. 

Community Garden – no report

Art Show – The date has not been set probably three weekends in August.

Holiday Bazaar – Jodi Cecil -November

Farmers Market – It would be nice to see more vendors in 2020

Old Business – None

New Business – 50th Anniversary of the Glass Museum will be June 13. There will be a festival downtown and vendor applications have been sent out.

Mark Lantz reported that the first Thursday in May is a turn around breakfast that honors Middle school and High school students that have made great efforts to turn their lives around and achive better grades in school and a more positive attitude. There are sponsorship opportunities that could be made to help two students from Eastern school.

Regina adjorned the meeting 6;15 PM.

The next meeting will be Monday Feb. 3, 6:30 PM in the Century Villa Community Room


6:30 PM - The meeting continued after a short break to discuss “ Great ideas, How do we fund them?”

Subjects discussed

A banner over the street telling about events in town that could be used year round.

Christmas Lights – would like to see more and build on what we have. Maybe partner with the Lions Club to get their knowledge on light and decoration purchases.

We need to look at other Main Street Communities that have a main thoroughfare as a state highway and see what they are doing as far as decorations.

Improvements could be made to N. Meridian Street Alley/ Chinese Restarant wall. More social spaces, Trail improvements and Veteran friendly signage.

Alisha presented the “Know You Why” video, and discussed working together as a community

Haven Home Care announced that they will be moving into the Napa building on Main Street. They are glad to be in the community.

Mark Lantz discussed the New Community Calendar and how it can be a hub of information all in one location.

Lisa reported that the domain name for the website is up for renewal and that there are some problems with the site itself.

Greg Sumpter from the American Legion presented some samples of Veteran friendly signs that could be made if we allowed the Legion to take on this project.

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