Monday, November 11, 2013

Town Council meeting September 17, 2013


SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Council Members: Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom; Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer.

The meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe. Adams made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Everling seconded. Motion passed.

SCOTT DEYOE (IN THE ABSENCE OF JEREMY PEELE): Mr. Deyoe read the first reading of Ordinance 2013-3, which was updated and completed by Mr. Peele. This is an ordinance amending Ordinance 2010-5, entitled “An Ordinance to Create Staggered Terms for the Town Council Positions.” The second reading of this ordinance will be at the October 1 meeting.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) This was the Adoption Meeting for the 2014 Budget, as published in the Notice to Taxpayers. Ordinance 2013-4, An Ordinance or Resolution for Appropriations and Tax Rate, was read by Mr. Deyoe. He noted a correction to the Rainy Day Fund, which was published in the Notice to Taxpayers – given by DLGF (Department of Local Government Finance) - as an estimated budget amount of $8884, (which was actually the cash balance in that fund). The true amount of estimated budget for the Rainy Day Fund is $0. An individual vote was taken, with each council member voting “Aye” to pass the budget ordinance as read. (2) Mr. Everling addressed the zoning ordinance that has been previously discussed and reviewed. Mr. Peele’s amendment needs some revision, but looks good. No action taken at this time.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Mr. Deyoe thanked the clerk and deputy clerk for their work on the budget. (2) Pay application #6 is in for the WWTP. $691,007.80 – which includes a lot of new equipment – is the amount requested to be paid to Thieneman (contractor), with a retainage of $33,179.89 to be deposited in the escrow account. (3) Change Order #2 also came in, with an increase of $33,944. This brings the new total for the sewage plant to $5,149,019.

Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Higginbottom. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

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