Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Town Council Meeting Aug 20, 2013


AUGUST 20, 2013 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Council Members: Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom; Terri Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer; Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

ABSENT: Scott Deyoe

The meeting was brought to order by Vice President Dan Adams. Flick made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed.

JEREMY PEELE: (1) Working with County Attorney Larry Murrell on memorandum of understanding. The county has tentatively approved the wellhead protection language we need to put in place for those areas outside the municipal limits of Greentown. He is in the process of drafting that ordinance so it can be passed by the county. (2) No answer yet on the road situation discussed at the last meeting. (3) Email exchange this morning with Garry Hill, Plan Commission Administrator, about proposed amendment (2013-2) to zoning ordinance. He wants to talk with Mr. Hill further about his concerns regarding the wording, and recommended that the second reading on that ordinance be tabled for now. He believes we can use the “special use” exception that currently exists to achieve the desired goal on this matter. Everling made the motion to table, Flick seconded. Motion passed. (4) Staggered term ordinance regarding election of council members, as discussed at previous meeting, was revised and was reviewed by people at the election commission. We are in compliance now so we will need to pass an amendment at a future meeting. This must be done by the end of the year.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Mr. Flick informed us that Jared Isaac is willing to come back to work for the town as full time laborer for the Water & Street Dept. under Kevin Moss’s direction. He recommended we hire Jared starting at entry level wage. He also recommended that Jared get “water certified” to be Kevin’s backup in that position. He asked Mr. Peele to write up paragraph, or Memorandum of Understanding, that Jared can sign stating this agreement. Flick made motion to hire Mr. Isaac for this position, Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed. Kevin is to email Jeremy with requirements for certification, looking at an eighteen (18) month time limit to meet this requirement. (2) Public Hearing for 2014 Budget was conducted next. Jeremy Peele read the budget advertisement and proposed amounts. He informed those present that objections must be filed within seven days. A question from one guest, Ray Mumaw: “Is there money in the budget to hire another police officer?” The answer to that question was “Yes.” Joyce Higginbottom requested that guests who were present sign the sign-in sheet for the budget hearing. Clerk Terri Sommers stated that the adoption meeting for the budget will be held on Sep. 17 at 7:30 to coincide with the next stated council meeting. (3) Kevin Moss explained that the handheld device that is used to read water meters needs to be replaced. It is ten years old and cannot be repaired. He presented a quote from Utility Supply Company for a new device, cost of $6232 with one year warranty at no charge, and we can purchase extended warranties. We have a loaner right now. It will take 4-6 weeks to get the new one in. Higginbottom made motion to approve purchase with one-half (½) to be paid out of water fund and one-half (½) to be paid from wastewater fund. Flick seconded the motion; all approved; motion passed. (4) Kevin also suggested we look into available funds for cleaning and televising storm lines and drains. Some discussion followed.

GUESTS: Rachel Jenkins stated that she and Joyce Lantz, from the Historical Society, went through the boxes that were slated for destruction and found some items they were interested in. She also asked for Council’s approval to take home some old papers, mostly agendas and committee appointments, in order to use the backsides at home. Joyce Higginbottom offered to come in to the office tomorrow to look at these papers to see if there would be a problem with her request.

Motion to adjourn by Flick, seconded by Everling. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.

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