Saturday, July 13, 2013

Town Council Minutes May 7, 2013


MAY 7, 2013          7:30 PM


PRESENT:  Council Members:  Scott Deyoe, Dan Adams, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom;

Terri  Sommers, Clerk-Treasurer;  Joyce Flick, Deputy Clerk; Jeremy Peele, Town Attorney.

SPECIAL GUESTS:  Mike Ward and Josh Cox, Indiana American Water.


After prayer by Dan Adams and the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was brought to order by President Scott Deyoe.  Flick made the motion to accept minutes of the previous meeting, Everling seconded. Motion passed.


JEREMY PEELE:  (1) He spoke with Marshal Bennett about property issue he believes they got resolved.

(2) He also talked to Alan Wilson, Asst. County Attorney, about county passing zoning ordinance in wellhead protection area that is outside town limits, who approved the language sent to him so he doesn’t expect that to be an issue. We will need to pass a corresponding ordinance for the property within the town limits. These ordinances would be in compliance with the wellhead protection plan.

(3) Mr. Peele addressed the question of liability of prior Clerk  Treasurer  for late fees that were incurred. He stated there is potential for personal liability anytime there is penalty or interest charges for late payments, and if the council wants him to proceed with that to let him know.


RYAN BRAUEN, WESSLER ENGINEERING:  (1) Ryan addressed Change Order #1 for the WWTP, recommended by Wessler, approved by TCI.  This involves seven (7) items classified as change to the project, resulting in a total net decrease in the construction cost of $30,925.00 (the bulk of which came from removing an Admixture from the concrete mix); and an increase of one (1) construction day. This change would bring the new contract amount to $5,115,075.00. Higginbottom made the motion to accept the change; Everling seconded. Motion passed.  (2) Ryan also presented a proposal (PCO #16) from Thieneman on costs for modifications to the plant to assist with future flood control. This involves seven detailed items as changes. If accepted, this change order would add $37,330 to the cost of the project for TCI, and an additional (approx.) $5,000 amendment to Wessler’s Construction Services agreement. There would also be a fifteen (15) day extension required. Higginbottom made a motion to accept this change; Everling seconded. Motion passed. Ryan will take care of paperwork to proceed.


FIRE DEPARTMENT:  Report read. 6 fires, 40 EMT runs, 12 rescue.

POLICE:  Report read. Everling made motion to accept; Adams seconded. Motion passed.

WATER & STREET:  Report read. Higginbottom made motion to accept; seconded by Flick. Motion passed.

WASTEWATER:  Report read. Motion to accept by Flick; seconded by Adams. Motion passed.

PARK ADVISORY:  (1) There are still a few spots to be adopted. (2) Community service day is May 11.    (3) Farmers Market starts May 11 and will run every Saturday through Sep. or Oct. It will be open from 9-1. (4) Community Garden will be planted as soon as possible after May 13. Jolene Rule, on behalf of Advisory Board, requested a $300 donation for the Community Garden. Adams made motion to grant request; Everling seconded. Motion passed.


UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Landowner agreement read by President Deyoe. Adams made motion to accept; Higginbottom seconded. Motion passed. Letters will be sent to landowners notifying them of new agreement with request to come in to utility office, landowners and tenants, to sign new form.


NEW BUSINESS:  (1) Mr. Flick made a motion that the council meeting for May 21 be cancelled as there was no business to discuss. Motion seconded by Higginbottom; motion passed. Notice will be posted in City Hall window. (2) Clerk Terri Sommers presented fundraiser for Relay for Life, an event held in Greentown in June. Request was for a $45 donation to have our windows painted and signs to put in front of City Hall. Higginbottom made motion to accept; Everling seconded. Motion passed. (3) Deyoe addressed the issue of SRF (State Revolving Fund) payments. Higginbottom made the motion that the President be able to sign the necessary papers for payment to be made, with copies available in the project folder for review. Flick seconded the motion; motion passed. (4) President Deyoe announced Representative Susan Brooks would visit our town on Friday, May 31.


MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS:  (1) Representatives from Indiana American Water gave a presentation regarding their interest in purchasing our water utility. Following some questions from council members and guests, they were thanked for their time. No action taken on this matter.  (2) Garry Hill addressed a request from Crave Crepes, a new downtown business, to put tables out on sidewalks. After some discussion regarding liability and ordinance, it was agreed that there would be no harm in this as long as the sidewalk was not blocked and there were no complaints.


GUESTS:  (1) Steve Cass spoke of his concern about the flooding that occurs on North Meridian Street when we get heavy rains. (2) Sammy Armstrong questioned if churches were excluded from being required to obtain a Peddler’s Permit. The answer was “No”… the only exception is for kids/fundraisers.


Motion to adjourn by everyone!  Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:15.

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