Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Town Council Minutes June 7, 2011

Town Council Meeting June 7, 2011 7:30 PM
Joyce Higginbottom and Scott Deyoe absent
Prayer given by Dan Adams followed by the pledge of allegiance led by Ray Mumaw.
Minutes of previous meeting approved on a motion by Scott Flick with the second by Todd Everling.
1.       Attorney Peele had nothing to report on at the present time.  He had made a collection of a past due invoice from 2009 concerning damage to a police vehicle.
2.       Ryan Braun from Wessler Engineering submitted drawings and cost estimates of the continuing Wastewater project.  This phase is for construction and improvements in the plant and the estimated cost of the total project is $5,463,000.  There were many guests present and a lengthy discussion followed with many questions about past projects and the raising of rates.
3.       Doug L. Baldessari of H. J. Umbaugh & Associates was present to give the Council a copy of the firms agreement on a Preliminary Rate Study of the proposed improvement project.  Vice President Adams said the full Council would look it over and have our Attorney also look at it and advise him of the outcome.
4.       Fire Chief Jason Davis was present and reported 256 runs to date.
5.       Police report read and approved on a motion by Todd with the second by Flick.  Marshal Bennett reported Tony Bougher had completed all training necessary for a Reserve Officer.
6.       Wastewater report read and approved on a motion by Flick with a second by Todd.
7.       Water & Street report read and approved on a motion by Todd with the second by Flick.
8.       Jolene Rule was not present so Vice President Adams read the Park Advisory Report and reported the plant & bake sale raised almost $400.00 and it would be applied to the trail loan.  Farmers Market will begin June 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  They will not do trinket sales at this years fireworks and the Arts & Craft Show will be November 12, 2011.  A tool shed was purchased for the Community Garden and the land was tilled by Kent Young.  Volunteers planted 100 tomato plants, 30 zucchini & cucumber plants and potatoes.
9.       Marshal Bennett had a suggestion of reviving the old siren on top of the City Building and shutting down the one at the Fire Station.  This would cost approximately $1500.00 and maybe, at some later date, the one at the Fire Station could be moved.  He is to get prices on this project and report at next meeting.  Todd asked what fund would the money come from and Clerk said EDIT, Riverboat or Rainy Day Fund.
10.   Stan Zirkle mentioned the problem of Rats under the shed at the corner of Covalt and Grand Street and asked the Council or Marshal to do something about it.
11.   Fire Chief asked the Council to let the Fire Department know if a street is shut down so they will know to bypass it in an emergency.
12.   Scott Flick made a motion to adjourn with the second by Todd Everling. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

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