Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Town Council March 1, 2011

Town Council Meeting March 1, 2011 7:45 PM
All Members present
Opening prayer given by Dan Adams followed by the pledge of allegiance led by Tom Harper.
Minutes of January meeting reviewed and approved on a motion by Dan Adams with second by Todd Everling.
No meeting was held in February because of bad weather.
1.       Attorney Peelle presented both a Capital Plan and Ordinance 2011-1 to President Higginbottom to be read later.  Also presented the final Ordinance 2011-2 to have the first reading later in meeting.  He had researched status of peddler permit to sell insurance in town.  Company will be permitted to do so but must still get a permit but at no charge.
2.       Engineer Ryan Brauen presented agreement between Council and Wessler Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Study.  The town must go forward with this to be in compliance with our Wastewater Ban and Agreed Order from IDEM.  Scott Deyoe made a motion to accept with the second by Todd Everling.  Carried.  Jeff Peters spoke regarding the Public Hearing preceding this meeting and said it would be a good idea for the Council to consider starting a Utility Fund for the upcoming Storm Water Drainage Project.  President Higginbottom read “Local Resolution approving the Storm Water Drainage Study” and it was approved on a motion by Scott Deyoe with the second by Todd Everling.
3.       The new Fire Chief, Jason Davis, was present to introduce himself and give a brief report.  They made around 500 calls last year and so far have 94 for this year.  They have 40 members and will get a list of names and phone numbers to the Utility Office.
4.       Police reports for January and February were read and approved on a motion by Scott Flick with a second by Dan Adams.
Marshal Bennett also had a letter concerning the upcoming surgery of Deputy Comfort and asked how his absence from work would be handled.  Todd Everling made a motion to abide by the rules in the salary ordinance and the second was made by Dan Adams.  Carried.  The benefits committee explained he would first use his sick leave and vacation days for the first two weeks and after that would be considered disability leave with remaining vacation time, if any, frozen.  Marshall Bennett also asked permission to start a petty cash fund at the Police Department to enable them to make cash purchases or change on weekends.  Scott Deyoe made a motion to set up petty cash fund in the amount of $75.00.  The Clerk Treasurer is to issue them a check in that amount.  The second to the motion was made by Todd Everling and it carried.

5.       Water & Street reports for January & February read and approved on a motion by Scott Flick with the second by Dan Adams.
6.       Wastewater reports for January & February read and approved on a motion by Scott Deyoe with the second by Scott Flick.
7.       Park Advisory Report given by Jolene Rule stating the fundraisers for the year and projects and noted the balance remaining on the Comet Trail loan is $2500.00.
8.       Unfinished Business: Nuisance Ordinance will be read at end of meeting to allow anyone to leave after other business taken care of.
9.       President Higginbottom read the Capital Improvement Plan concerning the use of Edit funds and it was passed and adopted on a motion by Todd Everling with the second by Dan Adams.
10.   Ordinance 2011-1 “AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE TOWN OF GREENTOWN’S SHARE OF THE ECONOMIC INCOME TAX RECENUE” was read by President Higginbottom and Todd Everling made the motion to suspend the rules and pass and adopt this ordinance on the first reading.  The second to the motion was made by Scott Flick and passed.  Motion made by Dan Adams with the second by Todd Everling to pass and adopt this ordinance and it carried.
11.   Dan Adams said he had received a letter from Michelle Monize concerning the parade that has been held yearly to start the Little League season and asking permission to again hold this parade on May 7th.  Dan Adams made a motion to allow with the second by Scott Flick and the motion carried.  Marshal Bennett said they would handle the traffic that day and it wouldn’t be necessary to have barriers set up to close streets.
12.   Dan also had a person questioning the fact that there are no handicap parking places on the west side of Meridian Street in the block of the Pizza Place.  There are, however, two spaces on the east side of Meridian Street – why?  The Street Committee will look into this matter and report back next month.
13.   Kevin Moss presented a quote from Koorsen on carbon detectors that would be hooked in with our existing alarm system in the Utility Office and Police office.  The quote was in the amount of $456.95 and this would include installation and there would be no additional price on reporting or service.  Todd Everling made a motion to accept with second by Scott Flick and it carried.
14.   Kevin also mentioned Keramida and IDEM have been having remediation and maybe will get some of our testing down to quarterly and some monthly instead of weekly.
15.   Jolene said she talked to Andrew from Wessler about the storm water situation and asked if they ever considered green spaces and he said some places do.
16.   Debra Davis was present on behalf of Joan Jacobs concerning a problem with a water leak at 803 E. Grant and the water was shut off and notification was not made until a day later.  She was told that the home occupant could not be reached so the water was shut off to keep the bill from running much higher.  She thought there should have been a notice put on the door because they thought the pipes were frozen and went to great expense to try to thaw them out.
17.   Dan Barton was present to ask permission of the Council to put a garage door at the front of his building because he is landlocked in the back.  The Council said they did not want to give up any parking spaces in front and Attorney Peelle said his best bet would be to get a lawyer and approach the person that has him landlocked and see if anything can be done about that.
18.   Scott Deyoe read Ordinance 2011-2 in its entirety for its first reading.  Copies are available in the Utility Office if anyone cares to look it over.  Second reading will be at the April meeting.
19.   Dan Adams made motion to adjourn with the second by Scott Flick. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 P. M.

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