Thursday, October 2, 2014

August 19, 2014 Town Council Minutes

Greentown Town Council Meeting

August 19, 2014 6:30 PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Teresa Duke, Clerk.
Meeting was called to order by Mr. Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: General Fund total expenses for August 1st – 19th were $27,488.08. Water Co. was $13,180.67 and the Wastewater Utilities totaled $13,286.34. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Items from Attorney: Mr. Peelle prepared an amended contract agreement between the Town of Greentown and Klein Enterprises, LLC. Mr. Peelle also drafted a resolution for adopting the Howard County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Old Business: Police paper report for July was read due to Marshall Bennett’s vacation last meeting. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Greg Sheline, Executive Director of Kokomo-Howard County Plan Commission: Mr. Sheline’s office has spent the past year working on the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan has to be updated every 5 to 10 years to receive possible mitigation funds from FEMA. It will take up to 6 months for approval from FEMA once they receive the paper work. Mr. Deyoe stated the Town of Greentown has reviewed the Plan and affirms that the Plan will be updated no less than every ten years. The Town’s resolution reads as follows:

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town of Greentown, Howard County, Indiana, adopts the Howard County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, and resolves to execute the action in the Plan.

Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Higginbottom. Motion carried.

2015 Budget Discussion: The Town Council approved public hearings on the 2015 Budget to be held on October 7th and 21st. The Town Of Greentown budget worksheet amounts for 2015 are the following: General Fund $209,313, Police Department $186,475, Landfill $164,150, Riverboat $6,000, MVH $197,275, Local Road & Streets $31,050, LEEF $9,600, Rainy Day $4,400, EDIT $9,000, CCI $9,000, and Cumulative Building Fund $1,900.

New Business: Mr. Flick brought attention to the board that the Police Department were having issues with the body cameras not working properly. For the past three weeks, Marshall Bennett has been wearing a new body camera to test for approval. The sound and picture quality is very good compared to the current cameras. Marshall Bennett received a quote for $1,620 that includes two body cameras and battery backup plus software. The Town Council would like to have Three Body cameras. The additional camera would bring the total to $2,415. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion was seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried. Body camera purchase will be funded by the LEEF Fund.

Adjournment: Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling.

August 5, 2014 Town Council Minutes

Greentown Town Council Meeting

August 5, 2014 6:30 PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, Dan Adams, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Clerk Teresa Duke

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: General Fund total expenses for July 16th – 31st were $15,940.41. Water Co. was $1574.94 and the Wastewater Utilities totaled $7,062.01. Mr. Everling made a motion to accept the docket. Mr. Flick seconded. Motion carried.

Items from Attorney: Mr. Peelle is on vacation.

Items from Engineer: Mr. Brauen reported that the Wastewater plant construction is near completion. The project looks like it will finish within budget. There will be an open house for the Wastewater plant in late September or early October.

Greentown Fire Department Report: No report.

Police Report: No paper report due to Marshall Bennett being on vacation.

Sheriff Steve Rogers, Captain Jerry Asher and 911 Communications Director Nicholas Capozzoli spoke to the Town Board about requesting usage of the north water tower to upgrade their radio systems to digital. To build a tower would cost anywhere from $300,000 to $500,000. Motorola came out and looked at the Fire Dept. and water towers. The Fire Dept. tower is not tall or strong enough for the equipment. The north water tower meets requirements and they would like to have access to the building next to the tower for equipment. They will be meeting with consultants next week to start working on contracts. Construction for this project will be at no cost to the town. It will be funded by the county. Projected time frame to be online is May or June of 2015. Further information on this will be forth coming.

Water and Street Report: Reading of Paper Report: Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr.Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried.

Wastewater Report: Reading of Paper Report. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept the report. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Park Advisory Board: They have found a source that will enable them to replace the planter that was destroyed. Ordering will take place in the Spring.

Old Business: None.

New Business from Council Members: Mr.Everling received a proposed contract from Mr. Klein to become a town Superintendant at $70,000 a year. Mr. Everling made a motion to hire Klein Enterprises, LLC as a Utility Superintendant covering all utilities of the town excluding the utilities office employees and the Police Department. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Mr. Flick, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Everling voted in favor of the motion and Mrs. Higginbottom abstained. Motion passed.

Clerk Treasurer and Council President: Mr. Deyoe reported that Marshall Bennett notified him on July 27, 2014 that Officer Scott Comfort resigned effective August 4 2014. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept Mr. Comfort’s resignation. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Guests: Concerns from town residents were raised about the Greentown Police Department. Mr. Deyoe stated that no decision has been made on changes to the Police Department. With the resignation of Officer Comfort, Mr. Deyoe has asked the police department sub-committee, consisting of Mr. Everling and Mr. Flick, to review all possible options for ongoing protection for the Town of Greentown. The consensus from those that spoke concerning the Police Dept. was that they want a Town Marshall that they can call and will respond quickly when needed.

The current water rates were also a concern to the town residents. Much discussion was spent on this matter. Again Mr. Deyoe explained that the Water Co. is fully funded by the monthly fees paid by town residents. No tax revenue is used to fund the Water Co., which means that the monthly fees must equal the utilities expenses.

Adjournment: Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams.

July 15, 2014 Town Council Minutes

Greentown Town Council Meeting

July 15, 2014 6:30 PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, Dan Adams, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Clerk Teresa Duke

Meeting was called to order by Scott Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Flick made a motion to accept the minutes. Mr. Everling seconded. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: General Fund total expenses for July 1st- 15th were $10,285.73. Wastwater Utilities are $10,080.28. Water Co. approved expenses were $5,284.90. Todd Everling made a motion to accept the docket. Mr. Adams seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Mr. Everling reported on InterAct for the police department. InterAct is software that is used on desktop and squad car computers to interact with state and local police in Kokomo. Upfront cost is $21,379.40, and then there is a recurring annual maintenance and support charge beginning the second year in the amount of $2,399.40. This does not need to be acted on right now. Mr. Everling indicated this has been pushed back and is now projected to start sometime in September.

Mr. Deyoe received a letter from the Kokomo’s Sheriff’s Department. They would like to use the south water tower to put antennas on for their radio system. They also requested access to the water treatment building. Mr. Deyoe will contact them regarding this matter.

Mr. Deyoe presented an agreement between the Town of Greentown and Wessler Engineering for On-Call Stormwater Engineering Services. This agreement is needed to start the work fixing the collapsed stormwater pipe on North Meridian. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept this agreement. Motion was made by Mrs. Higginbottom. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Along with this agreement comes two immediate task orders. Task Order #1 provides on-call stormwater services of varying nature which are relatively minor, involve minimal time and effort, but may require a timely response and generally are not covered by or do not warrant separate, specific task orders or allow sufficient time for prior Town Council approval. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mrs. Higginbottom. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Task Order #2 provides for general assistance to the Town for replacement of approximately 300 linear feet of existing storm sewers located behind the property at 303 N. Meridian St. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Guests: Thomas Boller from Monsanto, which is located in Windfall, reported on their recycling program. Monsanto recycles 60,000 soybean bags a year and builds up credit with the recycling company which makes recreational furniture. They currently have benches and wanted to know if the town would be interested in having some at no charge. The benches retail for $500.00. They cost Monsanto nothing, but their name is on the benches for advertising. The Board thanked Mr. Boller and accepted the benches and will receive how ever many they will give the Town.

Mr. Klein would like to add another cell phone line for the on-call person. This will replace the pagers currently in use. Mr. Klein is also working with Gene Miller and Jared Isaac to have an alarm system working again at the water utility Mr. Klein would like to have all utilities on the same alarm system that would send out a text message whenever an alarm is tripped. Mr. Klein requested to have a smart phone for the wastewater plant. This matter was left to be resolved between Mr. Klein and Mrs. Duke.

Adjournment: Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Todd Everling.

July 1, 2014 Town Council Minutes

Greentown Town Council Meeting

Date July 1, 2014 6:30 PM

Members Present: Scott Deyoe, Todd Everling, Dan Adams, J. Scott Flick, Joyce Higginbottom, Clerk Teresa Duke

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Deyoe.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for additions or corrections. Mr. Flick made a motion to accept the minutes. Mr. Adams seconded. Motion carried.

Approval of Dockets: Mr. Deyoe had a request that the amounts of the Docket be read at the Town Council Meeting. Water Co. approved expenditures are $6,188.28. Wastewater Utilities are $12,621.89. Town Council fund is $24,119.03. Mr. Everling made a motion to accept the docket. Mr. Flick seconded. Motion carried.

Items from Attorney Jeremy Peelle: None.

Items from Engineer: Mr. Ryan Brauen indicated that the major work is primarily complete. The target date is July 12, 2014, but a more realistic date would be the end of the month due to a downsizing of work crew. Mr. Everling asked Mr. Brauen for an update on the collapsed drain on north Meridian St. Mr. Brauen reported that the clay pipe is in terrible condition and recommended that the line be replaced. Mr. Bryan Klein believes the town can repair it with internal staff. Mr. Klein needs the elevation for the runs from the engineer so he can price out the job.

Greentown Fire Dept. Report: Chief Tom Hendricks reported in June there were 56 runs. Of these seven (7) were fire runs, four (4) were rescues, and forty-five (45) were EMS runs.

Police Dept. Report: Marshal Bennett gave an update on properties at 128 N. Meridian and 228 S. Hunt Street. Both property owners have been notified of the town’s concerns. Attorney Jeremy Peelle said that the next step is to allow time for the owners to respond and, if they don’t respond within the allowed timeframe, then the town can file a nuisance claim. Motion to approve was by Mr. Flick. Mr. Everling seconded. Motion carried.

Marshal Bennett also brought up that the body cameras that the Police Dept. use are not user friendly. The cameras only work half the time. He would like to continue to use the cameras, but needs to check into better equipment. Mr. Everling and Mr. Flick will work with Marshal Bennett on this matter. Also mentioned is that the driver’s seat on the Crown Victoria needs repair work; the Marshal is getting quotes for repair.

Water and Street Report: Reading of Paper Report: Mr. Flick made a motion to accept the report. Motion seconded by Mr Everling. Motion Passed

Wastewater Report: Reading of Paper Report: Mr. Flick made a motion to accept the report. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion Passed.

Park Advisory Board: Mrs. Jolene Rule stated the board is searching to replace a concrete planter that was damaged. They are having difficulty in finding a match due to the age of the planter.

Old Business: None.

New Business from Council Members: Mrs. Higginbottom would like to thank Kevin Moss for all his years of service to Greentown and wish him well in his retirement.

Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept Deborah Dugdale as a part time utility clerk. Mrs. Dugdale will be working 28 hours a week at $11.00 an hour. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Mr. Everling has contacted Terry Cooper of Windfall to be our Operator of Record for the water utility. Mr. Cooper would be a 1099 Employee as the Operator of Record for the Water Utility. The town will hire Mr. Cooper at a rate of $400.00 a month for a weekly visit. Any additional work would be at a rate of $35.00 an hour. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept Mr. Cooper. Motion was made by Mr. Flick. Motion seconded by Mr. Everling. Motion carried.

Heartland Market is investing in their parking lot by repaving it. They would like to pave the alley which the town owns as well so that the entire paved area looks uniform. The town’s part of the bill will be $500.00. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to spend $500.00 out of local road and street money to pave the alley. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick. Motion carried.

Mr. Deyoe gave an update on the Fountain. Greentown Main Street Assocition gave a donation of $2745.44 strictly for the fountain repair. Mr. Deyoe thanked them for their generous gift. Ryan Welcher of Kendal Masonary has contacted Mr. Deyoe and will donate their labor at no charge and the town is responsible for the materials.

Clerk Treasurer and Council President: Circuit Breaker losses for 2014 total $83,183.59. This amount is used to calculate reductions from budget. Mr. Deyoe asked for a motion to accept. Motion was made by Mr. Everling. Motion seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried.

Guests: Mr. Deyoe addressed the audience in reference to recent reports that appeared in the local news media. He stated that town utilities are not for sale. The Wastewater Dept. is solvent and fully funded. The Water Utility Dept. is fully solvent. The town is fully solvent and is fully funded by property tax revenue.

Mr. Ray Mumaw is opposed to getting rid of the Police Dept. Mr. Deyoe thanked Mr. Mumaw for his comments and his interest in the operation of the town.

Adjournment: Motion made to adjourn by Mr. Adams. Motion seconded by Mr. Flick.